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Rachel's POV -

I had no idea why this was happening, or who the hell was behind it all - I was only taking Steph to the park while Nathan went out to meet Max; I never imagined that I would end up in a place like this where there was no one who gave a damn about me and were more interested in harming a four year old child.

"Where's my daughter?" I asked, making sure that I didn't come across as weak and that they knew I wasn't going to stand for something like this happening; especially not when they bought my daughter into this.

"Oh, we're not going to hurt her. It's you that we're interested in and it's you that we need; your daughter is just collatoral damage." he laughed mockingly.

"If you touch her then-"

"Then you'll what? You're tied to a chair, so defenceless and waiting for a man to come and save you; the same man that you stopped being in a relationship with five years ago. The very same man that allowed another to bring up his own daughter while he got drunk and slept with other women." he said, getting closer to my face with each word that he spoke, I was actually pretty scared, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

 "What Tom did in the past has got absolutely nothing to do with you, so just leave him out of this."

"Oh, how sweet, you still care about him; even after all this time and everything he did to you, you just can't let go of the past." he laughed, turning away from me and clapping his hands at the same time, like he was congratulating me on how I decided to live my life and the people that I decided I was going to care for when they needed me the most.

"Why do you need me then? What is so important that you could possibly need me?" I asked him as I tried to escape from the rope at the same time, although I knew it was useless because it had been done up so tight that I was never going to be able to free myself from this mess and I'm sure I was going to be stuck here for a while.

"Revenge. I need you, so that I can get to Tom because this is all part of my clever plan for revenge."

"Why do you want revenge on Tom then?" I questioned.

"You ask too many questions. Let's just say that, when Tom comes to yours and his daughter's rescue, his life won't even be worth living anymore." he laughed again before he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him and ensuring that he locked it, meaning there was absolutely no chance of me getting out of here; unless someone came and got me from here.

I had no idea who was behind this because there are so many people that could want revenge on Tom, so there are any number of people that could want to get him here to be able to do that.

Tom has done a lot wrong and pissed a lot of the wrong people off in his life, especially in the past two years - but, right now, there are only three people who I could think would hate him enough to bring me and his daughter into it; just for the sake of some stupid revenge which will achieve nothing because it won't change anything between Tom and whoever the hell it is.

Nathan - he believes that me and Tom have got back together behind his back and are planning to run off, so we can have the perfect little family together. He has also got it into his head that I used him and never really loved him, I was only going to marry him because I felt sorry for him and didn't want him to be alone anymore. Sure, I love Nathan, but I really wouldn't put it past him to do something like this at a time when he feels the most push-out that he's ever done.

Lauren - she'd had a massive thing for Tom ever since she laid eyes upon him back at school, and she was even more annoyed that he rejected her for someone such as myself. Ever since she found out that he would sleep with me, but he wouldn't touch her or even go near her, she had been out for revenge and to make him pay for that; and although I was friends with her, I wouldn't put it past her to be this viscous, just to make her point.

And my dad - he hated the fact that I dated Tom, despite the fact he was my teacher. And, even more than that, he hated that I got pregnant with Tom's baby and threw my entire life away; he feels like Tom ruined everything and pretty much ensured my life went down the road to destruction. My dad might not have wanted anything to do with me until a couple of years ago, but he still hates Tom and has always made it clear that he's going to make Tom pay for what he did to me.

I guess it was just a game of waiting now to see what happened next here.

Either Tom was going to come rescue both me and Steph, or he was going to end up being dragged into something that made him pay for what he had done; whatever that may be.

One thing was for sure though, Tom wasn't going to be coming out of this untouched and he also wasn't going to get away with whatever it is that he's done wrong.

Tom's POV -

I did as I was told to do, and I went to the park, making sure that I told no one what I was doing or where I was going; I didn't want to put either Steph or Rachel's life in danger.

I would never forgive myself if something happened to either of them, and I would always blame myself for allowing this to happen and not being there to protect them when they needed me the most.

I sat on the bench and waited to see if anything happened, and that's when my phone rang again, Rachel's name flashing on and off my screen over and over again - I found it hard to believe that, even after all this time, Rachel had never changed her number and I had never changed her name in my phone either; but that's not important right now.

"Are you at the park?" someone asked but, this time around, the voice sounded like it belonged to a female rather than a male. In fact, it sounded like a female that didn't want to be involved with this plan and wanted to go home rather than be wherever the hell she was.

"I'm at the park. Now, what do those bastards want with Rachel and my daughter?" I snapped.

"You need to go to the bench which is right outside the park and, attached to the bottom of the bench, you will discover a letter which will tell you what this is all about. Once you have read that, more shall be revealed to you." she spoke, suddenly like she had more confidence in her than she had before, like she was only trying to get me to trust her enough to let something slip to her that I didn't want people knowing.

"If you, or any of them, have touched Rachel or Steph then it will be the last thing you ever do." I said with pure anger in my voice.

"Just, do as you have been instructed and neither shall be harmed. You have fifteen minutes."

"Just let them-"

"You have fifteen minutes Tom. Tick tok, tick tok. Better get a move on." she said, and then the line went dead and, once again, I was left just as confused and clueless as I was after the first phone call.

I went to the bench I had been instructed to go to and, as she said I was going to, I found a letter on the bottom of it.

To say I was shocked by what it said would be a understatement; I was absolutely mortified by it, but at least everything finally made sense.

Fatal Error [Sequel to Falling For Mr.Parker]Where stories live. Discover now