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Tom's POV -

As we walked through the front door of my flat, I could tell that there as something wrong with Rachel and she wasn't telling me what it was - she just kept telling me that it was nothing and that it didn't matter.

But that's not what it looked like to me. For someone who had nothing wrong, she looked pretty miserable and like she was about to burst into tears.

"I've just, erm, got something that I need to sort out." Rachel said as she left me sat in the living room, and it wasn't long before I heard what the something was that she needed to sort out; she wasn't exactly the quietest person on the phone and it didn't help that my flat amplified sound anyway and made you hear things that didn't need to be heard in the first place.

"Is it really over between me and you then?" I heard Rachel say, making it instantly obvious that she was talking to Nathan and I assumed that something serious must have happened between them since they seemed so happy with each other.


"I've already told you that I don't have feelings for Tom, but if you keep thinking that, then I'd be better off with him." Rachel snapped.


"Oh, so you really think after two weeks, he's wormed his way back into my life and we're already planning on sleeping with each other?" 

Well, if that's what this is all about, then that's made me feel even worse than I did before. Nathan really thought I was going to try and talk his fiance into bed - I mean, I know I still love Rachel and I can't be happy without her, but  I wouldn't deliberately destroy a perfectly good relationship just to get that.

"And what about Steph? Are you going to explain to her that you left me because you got jealous?" Rachel shouted, while trying to keep her voice down at the same time.


"Look, whatever Nathan. Just remember,this was your idea in the first place and, anything that happens from now on, is all your fault. I'll be round to get some stuff later." 


"I'll just get my mum and dad to look after Steph until I sort something out. Bye Nathan." was the last thing that I heard Rachel say before she appeared back in the room again, trying her best to hide the fact she had been crying. She smiled at me as she took the empty seat opposite the room from me, and she just stared at the ground, not saying anything.

I mean, listening to that conversation has shown me how much my life has spiralled out of control now. I used to still know things about Rachel, she would come to me when she couldn't go to Nathan and there was no one else there for her - I was like her best friend and she still cared about me, despite the way I treated her and the way I acted. 

Now, I didn't even know that she was back in contact with her parents and I hadn't got a clue that they were involved in our daughter's life.

"You know, you can sit next to me. I don't bite." I said, breaking the silence which had fallen over the room.

"I know, I just. Oh, it doesn't matter." Rachel sighed.

"There's clearly something. Why are you here for me, even after everything?" I questioned.

"I don't want to lose you Tom, and we might not be together anymore, but that doesn't stop me from caring about you. I don't want you to kill yourself, and Nathan thought it would be a good idea if I came back to you for a bit and helped you recover." 

"And what's going on between you and Nathan then?" 


"I heard the phone call Rachel. So, let's try that one again, what's going on between you and Nathan then?" I repeated as I moved over to where Rachel was sitting, placing myself on the arm and pulling her into a hug as I noticed that she was about to start crying again. I hated seeing her hurting and I hated seeing her like this as well.

It wasn't fair on her, and she didn't do anything to deserve to be treated like this either.

"He left me Tom, he left me okay. He didn't believe it was him that I wanted, and now he thinks we're going to sleep with each other. Oh, and this is the best part, he says he doesn't care what happens to Steph because she's not his daughter." Rachel told me as the tears rolled down her cheeks, and I just pulled her closer to me, not wanting to let her go because it used to be my job to protect her and make sure no one ever upset or hurt her; now I was the one doing the one thing I swore I would never do.

"Look, I'm sure if you and him have a proper conversation, then you'll be able to sort things out. You've been through so much together, surely you can get through this as well?" I replied.

"I doubt that, Nathan seems to have his mind made up. It makes it worse that I didn't want to go through with this plan in the first place, he was the one that pushed me into it and assumed it would make everything better." Rachel mumbled, pulling away from me slightly at the same time.

"Just, go back to Nathan, and talk to him. I've got my first appointment with the counsellor this afternoon anyway." I smiled at her, just wanting her to be nothing other than happy.

"Are you sure you're going to go to the appointment if I'm not here?" Rachel asked with a concerned face.

"Yes. I've had a conversation with the doctor and he's warned me how serious the problem is. He's told me that, if I don't stop drinking as much as I have been, then I'm going to be in the ground before I even hit thirty. I don't want to end up dead, and I don't want to miss the best years of our daughter's life either." I stated.

And it was true, when Rachel went out for one of her walks a couple of days ago, the doctor came and told me all the damage I had caused myself and had warned me - in a rather serious and threatening tone - that I needed to change or I was going to kill myself, and I would never see my daughter grow up into the beautiful girl she was going to become.

"And you're not going to drink either are you?" 

"I promise you now, I won't touch any alcohol. I will go to me counselling session and, if you're not here when I get back, then I'll know you and Nathan have sorted everything out." I smiled again, trying my best to encourage that I was going to be fine and she needed to go and see Nathan, before it was too late.

"Good, because I don't want to lose you, you still mean too much to me." Rachel said as she moved herself up from the chair, wipped the tears away from her eyes and walked over to the door.

"And you mean a lot to me as well. I wish you were still mine." I said under my breath, making sure Rachel didn't hear what I said, because then she probably would accuse me of trying to sleep with her or something like that.

"Sorry, did you say something?" Rachel asked, appearing back in the doorway.

"Nope. Just go and and get Nathan." I laughed.

The next thing I heard was the front door slamming closed as Rachel went out of it, leaving me with nothing more than my thoughts and my memories.

Fatal Error [Sequel to Falling For Mr.Parker]Where stories live. Discover now