One -

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Rachel's POV -

"Babe, have you seen Tom lately?" Nathan asked as we sat down for the little time we actually got to spend with each other.

With me working during the day and Nathan working during the evening, we hardly got to spend any time with each other. The only time we got to see each other was when either Jess or Karen looked after Steph after school; they loved spending time with her even though she wasn't actually related to them.

They had been a great help over the past five years though; especially after Tom decided he wasn't going to have anything to do with our daughter.

Don't get me wrong, for the first year, Tom was an amazing dad to Steph and he was always there when I needed some help. But then he changed and stopped being involved with her altogether.

He decided that he would rather go out drinking every single night and sleep with any woman who was desperate enough to want him - he no longer wanted anything to do with either me or his daughter.

"I saw him while I was out drinking with Lauren, does that count?" I chuckled, placing my head on Nathan's chest at the same time.

"Let me guess, was he drunk and all over some woman?" Nathan laughed.

"Oh, how the hell did you guess?" I replied with a smirk.

"I just want to know when he's going to stop acting like this and actually be there for his daughter. Are you sure you don't want to do as I suggested?" Nathan sighed as he pulled me closer to him, inter twining his fingers with my own and smiling in my general direction.

"Look, I'm not going to leave you, just to make him stop. He made the decision to act like this and stop being involved with his daughter, that's not my problem." I replied.

See, Nathan had come up with this clever idea and spent his time trying to convince me that I should go for it, just to help Tom and get him back into his daughter's life. He had suggested that I go back to Tom, as he had demanded of me so many times, and stay with him until he got his life back on track; but I refused to do that.

Me and Nathan were planning our wedding while trying to deal with all this crap at the same time. He proposed to me about a year ago while we were on holiday with each other, and it was so romantic because he had even managed to fly Jess, Karen, Max and Lauren out as well to be there when he did it - we were planning to get married by the end of the year, but that was looking less and less likely with each argument we had concerning Tom and his changed lifestyle.

"I'm only thinking of Steph and what's going to be best for her, she needs her real dad in her life."

"I didn't take that away from him, he threw it away, even after he had everything he wanted. I'm not willing to throw our relationship away because of Tom." I sighed, looking up and into his eyes at the same time because I knew he just wanted the best for Steph and wanted her to have the best life possible; even if that meant fighting for a twat who wasn't worth it.

"I love you Rachel and you love me, there's nothing we haven't been through together. Surely, giving Tom what he wants is better than watching him drink himself into oblivion?" Nathan replied.

"I don't want to leave you Nathan, it's not fair. This is our life and I've got everything I've always wanted."

"Look, babe, what would you rather, give Tom what he wants and save his life? Or be stood at his graveside, explaining to your five year old why she will never see her dad again?" Nathan questioned, and I knew he was right, I didn't want to be burying Tom in the ground before he even hit 30 and then have to explain to my daughter why she was never going to see her dad again.

"I know you're right, but I don't want to do it, I just want to live our life and get on with everything."

"I know, but think about it. We need to do what's best for Steph, and we both know what the right thing to do here is." Nathan replied as he placed a kiss on the top of my head.

As much as I didn't want to do this, there was only one other option, and that was watching Tom kill himself because he couldn't find it in himself to move on and be happy without him.

"Yeah. I guess. I'll think about it." I muttered.


Hey guys,

So, whoo, here it is, the first proper part of the sequel, I hope you like it. Thanks for the comments on the last part, glad people like the idea of the story so far, means a lot that you do.

Also, thanks for the votes on the last part, could I get 6 votes again on this part too please?

Anyway, hope you enjoy this part too and I'll post more soon. Love you all.


Fatal Error [Sequel to Falling For Mr.Parker]Where stories live. Discover now