Three -

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Nathan's POV -

As I pulled up outside mine and Rachel's house, I could see that the lights were still on and I just assumed that she was still awake; although that was unusual for this time of night when she didn't have Steph to worry about.

I collected what I would need from the car seat, including the envelope which had Rachel's name written on the front of it - I'd booked us a romantic week away in Paris, which included a trip to the top of the Effiel Tower and a romantic meal in one of the most expensive restaurants I could find.

The last time we went away together was when my mum surprised us with a two week Caribbean Cruise for Christmas, and that was nearly three years ago now. With all the stress she's got going on and all the panicking she's currently doing, I feel some time away will benefit her greatly and we'll just be able to have an amazing time together.

There will be no mentioning of Tom, or Steph, or Jess, or anything else that is to do with anything other than me and Rachel.

I approched the front door, key at the ready and I was all set to walk in and reveal my surprise to Rachel, but there was something which made me stop; the sound of raised voices coming from within the house. I knew who they belonged to, they were the voices of Rachel and Tom.

"I've already told you, while you're in that state you're not going anywhere near your daughter." Rachel shouted.

"And you're not going to stop me, she's my child as well." Tom snapped back, and you could clearly tell he was both angry and drunk.

"I can stop you from seeing her when you're in this state. Just, go away Tom and come back tomorrow." Rachel snapped back at him and I could tell that she was panicking about what was going to happen, so I decided that I was going to get into the house and help her out before Tom did something that he regretted in the morning.

"You wanted me to see her, so here I am, and now you're stopping me from seeing her."

"You're drunk, that's why you're not going anywhere near her. Come back tomorrow when you've managed to sober up, please Tom." Rachel begged him, I could see the fear on her face as I walked into the house and just caught a glimpse of her stood in the doorway, obviously looking at Tom and what he was doing.

"Tom, you should just do what you've been asked to do." I said, appearing beside Rachel now.

"Actually, letting you go home by yourself probably isn't a good idea, who knows what sort of trouble you might get yourself into. I think you should stay here for the night." Rachel suggested and, judging by the state of Tom it was probably the right thing for him to do, who knows what he might do if you let him go back to his flat by himself.

I know he only lives round the corner, but with the state Tom is in right now, he'll do anything that he can to make someone give him what he needs. Although, what he needs is help, and before it's too late.

I know that I keep telling Rachel to go back to him and help him out before he hits the point of no return, but that's only because she's the only one that Tom will listen to and he may pay attention to what she's got to say to him - he keeps telling her that he loves her and wants her back, if he's serious about that, then he'll realise that he needs to change or he's going to lose everything he's got right now.

"Stay here with you two, I'd rather not thanks. Come and see me when you're willing to let me see our daughter." Tom replied.

"Look, it's half one in the morning and you've had too much to drink, like every night. I'll come round and see you tomorrow, then we'll see if your in any condition to come and see your daughter. Goodbye Tom." I said.

"Like I want to see you, you destroyed my life and took everything I loved from me." Tom answered as he got up close to me and looked me straight in the eyes, but I wasn't scared of him and I wasn't worried about what he was going to do to me.

"You're the one that threw everything away, I didn't force you to do that. You had a chance, and you blew it." I replied calmly.

"Tom, I would rather you stay here than go home by yourself." Rachel pleaded with him, even after everything she did still care about him and didn't want anything to happen to him because she didn't want to lose Tom because he was too stupid to move on get on with his life; he doesn't deserve the treatment that he gets, but then Steph doesn't deserve to grow up without her father in her life because he was too stupid to get help before it was too late.

"I wouldn't want to interrupt anything. See you around." Tom said before he stumbled out of the house without another word, Rachel just watched him go but I could tell she was worried and really didn't want him to go, but there was no stopping him, he was off and he was gone.

"Don't worry about him babe, I promise that I'll go and see him tomorrow. Just try and forget about it for now, yeah?" I smiled as I embraced Rachel in a hug, her arms finding their way around my waist as she rest her head against my chest.

"You know, I'm starting to think that your idea might be the only way we're going to save Tom, because he's not going to listen to anyone else. Is he?" Rachel sighed, knowing that I didn't even have to answer her question, I was going to agree with her anyway.

"No. He's not. I'm sorry babe." I replied.

"Then I guess there's only one option left, the one that I never really wanted to go for."

"Look, I love you Rachel and we're getting married; nothing is going to come between us." I said, tightening my grip around her as I heard her crying to herself.

"I love you too, but you know if I do this, then Tom is going to come between us and that's not what I want. I want to be with you and no one else." she answered.

"Then we'll just have to keep on fighting and make sure that doesn't happen. Me and against the world, just like we always agreed." I smiled at her as I gave her quick kiss, just for reassurance and to let her know that she wasn't on her own here anymore and I was with her all the way.

No matter what she decided that she was going to, I was going to be there for her and  I was going to support her decision. 

After tonight's performance, we both knew for sure what needed to be done and that meant we had to fight a lot harder for our relationship than before.

It wasn't what either of us wanted, but it was for the best and there was no denying that one; I guess I had just better enjoy the last night I have with Rachel and make it something she won't forget in a hurry.


Hey there guys,

So, I know this isn't an interesting part or anything, but I just kind of wanted a filler part because there is some drama to come and I hope you'll like it.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this part. Thanks for the comments so far and for the votes, I'm glad you're all enjoying it - but I do have to admit, that even I feel sorry for Tom, and I'm the one that came up with the plot; oops.

Would be awesome if I could get 6 votes on this part again please. I love you all, and hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Love Em:')xxx

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