Six -

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Rachel's POV -

I don't think I'm ever going to be able to forgive Nathan for making me do this; pushing me back into the arms of the one person who broke my heart and believing that I was going to be the one to help Tom recover.

Yeah. Right.

I'll believe that when I see it.

I walked into the hospital and saw that Lauren was already in the waiting area. I'm not sure why she was here, she must have thought that I wasn't going come and I was just going to leave Tom on hos own. 

Well, I was going to, but that's not the point. She didn't need to know that's what would have happened if Nathan had given me the choice in this.

"I didn't think you were going to come. I thought you and Nathan would be too busy with each other." Lauren said without even looking at as I took the empty seat which was beside her.

"Well, I'm here now, and he is the father of my child. I had to make sure he was going to be alright, I don't know what I would do without him." I replied.

"But you hate him. Surely you would rather be with Nathan and Steph. They are, after all, your family now, right?" Lauren snapped quietly so to make sure that none of the other people waiting here would look over at us and make some comment about the noise we were making.

"I don't hate him, and just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean that I don't care about him. It also doesn't stop me from needing him in my life." I responded.

"Look, you just need to stop playing games with him and stop messing with his mind. You either want to be with him or you don't. Whatever you choice is, hurry up and make it..." 

"I made my decision. I'm with Nathan and I don't want to be with anyone else, why is that so hard for everyone, including Tom, to understand?" I argued back.

The amount of times people keep telling me to stop messing with Tom's emotions and make up my mind about who I really want to be with. No matter how many times I tell them that I'm happy with Nathan, none of them ever seem to believe me and still think that I want to be with Tom.

He was the one that ended it with me and left me, pregnant and alone, with no one. He was the one that drove me to almost end everything because I didn't think I had a life if I wasn't sharing it with Tom. He was the one that broke my heart and didn't seem to care about what he had done.

Nathan was basically the only person who was there for me when I needed someone, and even kept the promise that he made to me. Ever since then, I've not looked back on anything I've done and I'm happy with my life the way that it is.

"Maybe because you keep acting like this. One minute you're telling everyone that you hate him and want nothing more to do with him, then the next you're suddenly worried about him and can't live without him." Lauren snapped like this even had anything to do with her in the first place, but I was allowed to be worried about him since he was father of my child and she was constantly asking when she was going to see her daddy again or if he still loved her.

"Now you're just trying to make trouble for me and Nathan, what is the point in that?" I questioned her.

"Because, you see-"

"Miss.Brown?" a doctor said as he appeared in front of me and Lauren, a clipboard in his hand and a serious look on his face as he looked between the two of us.

"That's me..." I said, standing up so that I was looking at him now. Lauren went to stand up as well, but I stopped her from doing that since he hadn't even asked to speak to her and she had no right being here in the first place.

Fatal Error [Sequel to Falling For Mr.Parker]Where stories live. Discover now