Five -

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Nathan's POV -

This was the hardest decision I've had to make, but it was the best thing to do.

I knew that Rachel didn't want to leave me and she didn't want to go back to Tom either, she knew he was only going to get used to her being around once more and then she was going to be stuck in a relationship that she didn't want to be in the first place.

If Rachel didn't go back to him, then he was never going to listen to anyone and he was never going to get the help which he so desperately needed to make sure he didn't kill himself.

I can almost imagine the look on Rachel's face if she has to tell Steph that Tom had died, that he had died because she did't want to be with him anymore and she wanted to move on with her life. That he had died because he was too stubborn to accept that he had made mistake and lost the one good thing that was in his life right now. That he had died because he was too stupid to realise that he needed to change before it was too late.

I know we were planning our wedding, but some thing were just more important than others and needed to be done for the greater good. Even if it meant giving up the girl that I loved, just for the sake of another person.

"Why are you making me do this Nathan?" Rachel asked, interrupting my thoughts as she got into the car aqnd slammed the door behind her.

"You know why...." I sighed in response.

"If I go back to Tom, then there's no guarentee that I'm coming back because he's not going to want to let me go for the seond time. You know that, right?" she questioned.

"I know that, but I also know that, if you truly love me, then you'll come back to me when the time is right and we'll just be able to get on with our life again. And think about Steph as well."

"You're always telling me to think of Steph and it's boring now. I know she needs both her parents in her life, but this isn't the way to make sure she has us both. Tom needs professional help, and me being with him isn't going to change that." Rachel snapped.

I understood why she was annoyed, but I wasn't going to change my mind this time and  I wasn't going to give up with this one. It needed to be done and Rachel needed to be the one to make sure that it happened, there was no other way to go about it.

I knew that and she knew that.

It wasn't going to change, just because Tom had been admitted to hospital and his life was on the line now.

"Yes, I know he needs professional help. But, without you in his life, there's no way he's ever going to get it. He needs you right now, and I'm sorry that you don't like it. You can hate me all you want to." I replied.

"I don't hate you Nathan, I'm just annoyed with you because you're not giving me a say in this, you're just telling me what's going to happen. If I wanted to be with Tom, then I would have gone off with him five years ago, not told him to leave and stay away from me; unless it was to see Steph." Rachel argued back, and she was right, there was no denying that one.

"I'm sorry. Just remember, I love you." I said as I sigh escaped from my lips and I just continued with the journey to the hospital, no another word shared between me and Rachel for the rest of the time we were in the car.

That was her way of telling me she was annoyed with me and wasn't happy with the decision that I had made - I worked that one out within the first year of our relationship and it had never stopped being that way since.

I knew she wasn't going to talk to me until she was ready, and that could take a while, given the current situation that we're in right now and the decision which I've forced her to take.


"I guess I'll see you around then Nathan." Rachel said, slowly stepping out of the car and giving me one last look as she did so.

"And what do I tell Steph then?" I asked her.

"Anything you like. This is, after all, your plan and your idea." she replied.

"How long are you going to be like this with me for?"

"As long as I feel like, then you might realise how little I really want to go through with this." she snapped angrily.

"Shall I ask Jess to look after Steph again tomorrow then?" I questioned, not really wanting her to come home and find out that her mum wasn't actually living here anymore and she had gone back to Tom because I had told her to do so.

"If you want. Or you could just tell her the truth and see how that goes down." Rachel replied sarcastically.

"Look, I really am sorry and I love you Rachel. I'll come and see you as soon as Tom is awake." I sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, so you keep saying. I love you too Nathan, but that doesn't stop me being annoyed with you. See you around."

"Bye babe." I said and, with that, she was gone, the door slamming closed behind her as she got out of the car and left me alone for however long it was going to be.

I'm sure I was going to regret this in the future.

But, for now, I felt it was the right thing to be done.

No matter how much Rachel hated me for making her do this.


Hey guys,

So, this is just a filler part really which is why it's a bit boring, but you get the idea of what Nathan is thinking and what's going on now.

To the side is the trailer which I made for this story because I got bored last night, I just thought I would do one to pass the time. So, you can watch it if you want to, but it's not a requirement.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I'll try to update again soon.

Thanks for reading, love you all.


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