Four -

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Rachel's POV -

I was woken up by the sound my phone ringing, when I looked at the clock, I saw that it had only just hit half four in the morning.

I'm going to kill whoever the hell is ringing me at this time of the morning. Unless they have a bloody good excuse, then I might forgive them and they will live to see another day.

I looked at the caller ID, my eyes barely open, and I saw that it was Lauren who was calling me; I just assumed she was drunk and there was nothing else she could want. So, as any normal person would do, I rejected the call and tucked the phone under my pillow, hoping she wouldn't phone me again - if she did, then she was just going to get ignored once again. I would answer the phone at a more appropriate time of the morning.

A time when normal people were awake and wanting to talk to people on the phone. Not at time when people wanted to sleep and didn't want to be woken up be drunken friends who have got nothing better to do other than phone people and wake them up.

Although, Lauren didn't leave me alone as easily as I thought she was going to. In the space of ten minutes, she rang me a further five times and left me two different voicemails.

"Are you going to keep ignoring the twat who is phoning you?" Nathan muttered, his tired voice was one of the sexiest things I had ever heard, just like him sleeping topless was the sexiest thing I had ever seen.

"It's Lauren, and no I'm not going to answer the phone at this time of the morning." I replied as Nathan wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his body; my hand resting on his chest as he continued to breath like he was asleep.

"Well, it must be important for her to be phoning you now. She wouldn't be doing it otherwise." Nathan suggested.

"Yeah, or she could just be drunk and I could be about ready to kill her if she keeps phoning me at this time of the morning." I shrugged, although I was ready to kill her. I still wanted to be asleep now, not wide awake because someone decided they were going to phone me and not leave me alone; if I was her, then I would have got the message the first four times they didn't answer the phone.

"You know, now we're awake and neither of us are getting back to sleep, I've got an idea..." Nathan said suddenly as he changed the subject.

I'm telling you, this boy only had one thing on his mind, even when Steph was around he still made comments that she didn't need to hear at her age. She's far too young to need to know anything about that; I'll tell her when she's nearing her 60th birthday - then she might not make the same mistakes that I did and she might not end up in the same position that I did as well.

"Don't you ever think of anything else Sykes?" I laughed.

"Will you ever give me some to make me think of something else?" he smirked in repsonse as he lifted his head up from the pillow and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you Nathan." I replied, his head moving closer to mine.

"I love you too Rachel, but that doesn't answer the question." Nathan chuckled as he placed a quick kiss on my lips, his eyes sparkling in the little light that was coming through the curtains at this stupid hour of the morning.

"I know it-"

"Just ignore it, she'll get bored eventually..." Nathan said as I looked at my phone to see Lauren's name flashing on the screen again.

"She's only going to keep going if I don't answer it, this is the sixth attempt, so it's got to be more than a drunken call." I sighed, answering the call this time around and holding the phone to my ear, making sure Lauren knew I wasn't impressed with her phoning me at this time. "This had better be important..."

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