Chapter 2: Terrifying News

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(S/N) - Sister's Name


Chapter 2: Terrifying News

Your Point Of View

"Wake the hell up (Name). ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING? WAKE THE HELL U-"

"Hah! Get that, you stupid alarm!" I half-screamed at my phoNe. It's not like I tried to wake up 5 minutes before my alarm and waited for it to start- okay, you got me. I did.

I did the usual routine and with that, I ran 10000000x faster than normal hoping my neighbor won't even see my shAdow, or else I'm dead for today.

I arrived twenty minutes earlier than the time. Perfect, it's all according to plan.

I headed to the school bench where I met that white-haired dude yesterday. 

"Oww, what the he-" I looked down to see a dice on the seat. Looking closely, I realized iT was one of those unique looking dices that the boy had yesterday. 

"Greetings." A monotone voice popped out of nowhere which made me jolt up. "Who the fu-" My colorful language was abruptly stopped when I looked at the person. It was NEar, What's he doing here? Oh wait, I'm such an idiot. He forgot his dice. 

"Uhm, hi? Here, you foRgot your dice." I told him while handing him the dice I found.
Near nodded his head in a thankful-not way.

"Why are you not inside the school building? It's safe to say that your classes are going to start very soon." He asked you In a monotone voice as always.

"Uhm. Duh, because I'm sitting here. How about you? Why aren't you in school?" You replied.
"Because I'm standing here." He replied, then sat next to you in the same unusual manner. Damn him. (*coughs*  Kira mode *coughs* HE MADE A FOOL OUT OF ME. I'VE NEVER FELT SO HUMILIATED IN MY LIFE.)

Suddenly, my phone rang from my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the caller.

Mother calling...

She never texts, She never checks up on me, She neVer calls me. What's happening? Is she here to tell me that they got home? But even if they did arrive, it's not like her to suddenly call me out of nowhere informing me that they have arrived
I looked at Near, "Excuse me." I muttered. He nodded, turning behind to give me some privacy.

"Hello Mom." I greeted her, trying to keep a happy and cheery voice. She doesn't like my blank voice, I don't want another 3-hour lecture about blank voices vs. happy voices when I get home.

I hEard loud sobbing and stuttering. Finally, my mother spoke up.

"(Name), Y-Your sister.." She trailed off. My heaRt thumped faster, this must be bad. Well duh, your mom is stuttering-

"What is it?" 

"She was k-killed b-by Kira.." She said, then stammered- no, she was choking.

"Mom? Mom!?" I screamed, trying to get a response. 

"Mom! Are you still there?! Hello?!" I kept trying, yet no one answered. My pleas faltered.

My eyes widened like saucers as the pace of my heart quickened. Terror filled my whole body, the world around me felt so silent as realization dawned on me.

It was too fast. I didn't have the time to comprehend.

The dark gray clouds inside my mind converted to a storm.

The blue sky inside my heart became a void filled with darkness.

Death visited me, not to take my soul away. No, it was nothing like that. But he came to take my happiness away. He came to take the only people I cared for, despite how they treated me sometimes.  He came and he took my family.

My heart tingled. Was this it? Did he get to me too?

5 seconds.

15 seconds.

25 seconds.

30 seconds.

A minute.

Two minutes.

Nothing. Nothing happened. 

Kira left me to live yet killed the rest of my family. That is how cruel Kira is, he leaves you to suffer the loss of your already dead loved ones.

Near's mouth moved yet you couldn't hear him. I stared at the floor in horror, the phone in my tight grasp fell out of my hands as it shattered into a million pieces, like how my heart did when everything dawned on me.

I couldn't find my voice, I couldn't speak. Wordlessly, I left the school grounds and walked home. Frowning intensely as tears rolled down my cheeks whilst the bright smiling sun seemed to mock me upon my misery.

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