Chapter 35: Agony

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Chapter 35: Agony

The moment I woke up, rage engulfed my senses. A sense of hatred shot through me as I realized what Beyond had done. My heart was beating faster as my eyes adjusted to the empty, dark room. How long was I out? How many hours did my existence waste?

It was cold. Unreachable. No one I can contact or ask help with. I am completely and utterly helpless. I was alone. 

"I see you have woken up."


With the rage and loneliness inside me, I faced him blankly. His eyes were swirling with madness, with insanity. 

| Day 1 |

I was right.

Please... somebody...

I screamed in pain as Beyond pulled one of my fingernails. He slowly removed it, ensuring me pain. His eyes lit up, enjoying the screams of agony leaving my mouth. 

Shaking, I howled in a torturous scream as he continued to pull out the rest of my nails. Blood dripped down to the floor as Beyond aloofly plucked out my nails like they're stones on the ground. 

Tears sprung to the corner of my eyes. A knife glistened in the moonlight, it shook violently as Beyond approached me with a terrifying smile. I closed my eyes whilst the stinging pain of earlier was still engraved on my senses. On the first few seconds of his movement, I did not know what he would do. The only thing I felt was the feeling of mobilization in my arms as the tight ropes that tied my wrists were cut. 

"E-escape... p-please. (Y/N) (L/N). Escape while you can."

That voice. I knew it wasn't possible, but this is the world we're talking about. It's this miraculous and cruel world.

"L... Is that you?"

"What the hell are you talking about? WHY THE HELL ARE YOUR ARMS FREE?" An outraged Beyond screamed, snapping me out of my state.

I tried to escape. But freedom deemed impossible.

| Day 2 |

Blood. The room was filled with the lingering smell of blood. Screams echoed from inside the said room. Two killers even flinched, yes, they kill. But the screams were rather loud. It was filled with torture and pain.

"Poor girl. Beyond is a really messy person. If that even is him."

"Hey Jeff, why do you kill?"

"It's not me who's killing. It's him, the monster inside my head. Ben, we were both found and gathered for a reason. Beyond knows about our secrets, he purposely saved our lives for something. He made us in debt."

"We can't do anything about that now, can we?"

"We certainly cannot."

| Day 12 |

Endless screams. Weak protests. Blood.

"She's still alive?"

"Beyond's keeping her alive."

"I wish we could save her. But I'm not a hero, saving someone we haven't met."

| Day 13 |

"(Name)-chan! Do you know how many days have passed?"


"IT'S THE THIRTEENTH DAY! AND YOUR SAVIOR IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND! Oh noooo, where could he be? Did Prince Charming trip on the way here?"


"Oh did you forget about your deary boyfriend? Is Near still floating somewhere in your head?"


"Is she dead? Oh nah. She's breathing. "

"Twinkle Twinkle blood smells great. Blood spills out, you die from it. Twinkle Twinkle are you dead? Please don't be, there's still torture ahead."

"Blood is red. Your face is blue. Have I choked you- OH SHIT I am choking you. Don't die (Name)-chan."

| Day ??? |

Her nails already grew back. Some of her wounds had healed. How much time had passed? 'How much time did I once again waste?'

Her state of mind was blurry. The world around her seemed different. The only colors present to the young woman were black, white, gray, and red. That's all her eyes can see.

What was her purpose? Why was she living? What is life? Where is the savior she had been hearing about?

Words and thoughts are still forming inside her mind. Her endless tears already stopped and dried. Her throat  can no longer emit a scream. Even without the strength to speak, to move, to see and even to scream her agonizing pain, (Name) was conscious to her surroundings. She can feel every bit of pain. There are a tlit of times where she passed out. Yet she'd wake up a few hours after.

The (h/c) haired girl wanted everything to end. She wanted to sleep and ever wake up. But there's  a feeling lingering inside her very soul. A feeling where she wants to keep going, a feeling that is holding on, a feeling that still contains the will to fight for her freedom.

Every moment felt like eternity. She knew that the world outside was going on without her.

Did everyone already forget her?

Did a month already pass?

Who... are the people she's even holding onto? Where are they? Who are they?

" M...e.."

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