Chapter 38: Connection

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Her breathing stopped, the world went blurry. A cold shiver ran down her spine. All she can see were crimson eyes gazing at hers. She tried to gasp for breath, she tried to scream for help,  yet her mouth did not emit anything despite how she desperately wanted so.

It can't be real.

Beyond Birthday, her captor, was there right in front of her. A smirk was plastered on his face, scaring the (h/c) haired girl. She didn't know how many minutes had passed, perhaps hours or even days.

She finally screamed. Her throat scratched, her scream echoed within the walls of Wammy's, shocking the orphans that heard it.

Beyond stepped closer. His light footsteps blocked by her loud shriek, the scream itself was diminishing given that she only just woke up.

Two people appeared behind him. It was them, them! She panicked, causing a ruckus. The man on his right had black hair and leathery pale skin, the thing that scared her the most from his appearance was the permanent smile carved on his face.

A smile drawn by a knife. He was frowning, as if he was disturbed, angry or sad, but the smile won't allow him to truly show what he felt. It's as if it was carved to stop him from frowning.

The other resembled Link from the Legend of Zelda. She didn't know why, or how, but his sclera was black, his dilated pupils were crimson red. His whole physique was drenched in water, he was gasping for breath, looking like he almost drowned.

As they advanced closer, the female helplessly struggled to scream. As Beyond held her arms down, she struggled to get out. Beyond seemed to be talking, but his voice was blocked out. You couldn't hear his words, you didn't hear anything but your shrill screams.

"(Name)! Snap out of it!" Near's throat hurt as he screamed as loud as he can. He truly wasn't used to yelling.

At last, she finally stopped, realizing that it was just an illusion. They were not here, they were not real. Cold, pale hands held hers as she began to take slow deep breaths.

"It's alright-"

"N-no, it's not."

She still shivered in fright, goosebumps running up her skin, despite knowing that it was a mere illusion. Her glossed eyes teared up, leaving Near in worry. She was afraid, she was in fear, she was hurt, she was in pain, Near felt a tug in his heart, and it certainly doesn't feel nice.

Near hesitated for the actions he was about to do. Will it help?

But it was her who taught him this, it was her who comforted him even when he didn't reveal what he felt. His arms wrapped around the shaking girl. Halle and Gevanni nodded behind the two, they decided to l head out, giving (Name) and Near privacy.

She flinched, she shivered, she felt urgent fear as she felt the world almost suffocate her entire being. But (Name) remembered, it was only Beyond that hurt her to no end, it wasn't everyone in the entire world. It was only one person. She knew that Near was trying to help her, preventing to shut everyone off her world would be a hard job, but for the sake of Near, for the sake of the others, she would at least try.

She accepted the hug, warming Near up. His face, for once, lost its pale color, pink slightly tinted his pale cheeks.

|| Time Skip ||

(Name) looked up from the balcony. Her eyes saddened at the sight of the night sky. It was cloudy, no stars were in sight. It looked similar to the dark colored ceiling of her 'torture chamber'.

"Is something the matter?" She heard a soft yet aloof voice speak from behind. Immediately knowing who it was, she didn't need to turn around.

"Dull." She spoke softly, looking upwards. Near sighed, it had been two days since she woke up. He walked closer to her, observing the sky himself.

"It's too cloudy. It doesn't differ from when I was trapped. It looks the same."

"It is not."

(Name)'s head rose, only slightly surprised.

"At least we know that there is no ceiling. Look, the stars are showing."

Near's words were true. The clouds were starting to clear up, thousands of shimmering stars twinkled in the dark sky. Only a ghost of an untraceable smile existed on her expressionless face.

"You seem to have an appreciation for the stars."

"I was trapped for months, or years. How can I not, after realizing its beauty?" She said, almost spitting the words out bitterly as if she was deeply embarrassed.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I myself appreciates its own pulchritude."

We were silent for a few moments, it didn't matter how much time they wasted within the hours of darkness. They appreciated the stars, but most of all, their natural understanding atmosphere. 

The door behind them was kicked open by none other than a blonde haired successor. His face blankly set as he walked towards the two. 

"Hey, sheep. I was wrong, you're not as shitty as I thought but you're still shitty. Don't worry."

Near looked at him, as if confused, the female behind him, however, felt relieved. She knew what Mello was trying to say despite his blunt and rude way of expressing it. The blonde glared at Near's confused expression, it wasn't much yet it was still there.

"Listen, because I won't repeat it again," Mello said, taking a deep breath before returning his glare to the awfully confused albino.

"I'm sorry for all my wrongful accusations, and thanks for saving my life... Sheep."

Before Mello even finished his sentence, it immediately dawned on Near. Awkwardly, and almost terrifyingly, Near tried to stretch his lips.

Forming a smile.

Mello's eyes widened, he tried to act calm and all but he can't, seeing as Near was smiling genuinely.

"I accept your apology." Near returned to his usual state, facing away from his rival. He was still confused despite deciphering the whole thing. What's their relationship? Were they friends, or were they still enemies?

He suddenly remembered a statement from (Name) all those years ago when she stated that they were 'frenemies' since he's a cute little sheep and she was a big bad wolf. 

"I believe we are now frenemies then, Mello?"

The poor blonde cried, laughed and cringed. His feelings were conflicted, but all in all, he blamed (Name) for this. Hearing the sheep say the word 'frenemies' was too funny for a guy like him. Calming down, the blonde smiled sheepishly (yet bitterly), 

"The black sheep meets white sheep. It's a pleasure to be your acquaintance." He outstretched his hand, expecting Near to make it into an awkward situation and not accept the handshake, but then jokes on him since spending that much time (and behind the scenes too) with (Name) taught him a few socialization skills.

"Damn. Where'd you learn that?"

Near gestured to the woman beside him.

And with Mihael Keehl, a rival, and a friend, joining the two, they created new memories, they shared old experiences. It was funny how they all talked like they were good childhood friends. It was a weird friendship, two extraordinary enemies, and an ordinary girl. But they managed, since this world wasn't even normal to begin with, given that Shinigamis already lurk in the dark whilst weird and uncanny people are already a part of our society, walking through the streets, interacting with the ordinaries, dying a meaningless death, living a half-assed life.

"Great. This girl already forgot about her Death Note. Like seriously, I even need more candies. You're too forgetful, (Name). Even forgetting about your own father.

I mean, it's not like he knew you by coincidence. I wonder why your memories keep disappearing. I literally need to find out about that right now...

Nah, whatever, Imma procrastinate my way outta here. See ya' later, even though you can't hear me since I'm up here, flying in the sky far far beyond Wammy's house."

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