Chapter 8: Silent Confusions

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More mistakes are made. I once again placed 'Matsuda' instead of freakin 'Gevanni' Gaddamit.

Chapter 8: Silent Confusions

I woke up when I felt something stir next to me.

I opened my eyes immediately, I saw someone who I never expected.


Okay, what is he doing here? Oh right. The nightmare, I was too scared and made a move without thinking.

My emotions got the better of me. Again.

My thoughts went to Near, can he feel emotions? If he can, he's surely good at masking them. It's like all the time he can't feel anything.

Excluding those occasional emotions passing through his eyes in a second... Is he blocking them? There's a high chance for that.

That's not my business. Why am I too shaken up again?

The dream.

My eyes widened. That dream was freaky.

I remembered that a voice said something in a different language. I clearly remember it. I'm surprised though, I mostly forget what people are saying in my nightmares. Except if the nightmare was repeated which has a 0.01% chance of happening.

"You seemed to be awake." A voice spoke, shocking me which made me jolt a little.

"I apologize for surprising you." Near apologized, unwrapping his arms around me. Wait what? Were his arms around me the whole time? He sat up as I did. Near rubbed his eye, aw, the gesture was so cute that- What? Silly me.

"It's okay," I responded, not really knowing how to talk to him. I feel so awkward and embarrassed now.

"I'm going to my room now, we'll talk at the office later."

I sighed, "Okay."

He left after that.

One word.


I still have to translate those words from my dream. I mean, it's possible that they actually mean something.

I stood up and went to my laptop. While waiting for it to turn on, I tried to remember the words in my head.

I'm surprised that I can actually remember these words. After a few minutes, I finally found it.

'Find the truth.'


This dream must be a product of my imagination.

But my gut tells me otherwise.

And I believe it.

**Timeskip brought to you by Near's cuteness.**

You know those times when you forget something because of food, and simply food?

Well, that's what I'm feeling right now.

I was sitting on my bed watching Attack On Titan while eating the goodness of chocolate.

"Sie Sind das Essen und wir die Jager!" I sang along with the opening of Attack On Titan.

"Our names won't be remembered, If we die like trampled flowers. I refuse to be forgotten, Written off as less than worthless!" I sang, not caring if anyone heard me right now, who cares anyway, It's an epic opening.

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