Chapter 12: Mafia

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Chapter 12: Mafia

3rd Person's POV

"Chocolate is so good." Sidoh complimented as he ate the chocolate that Mello offered him.

"Couldn't agree any better," Mello mumbled, glad that someone appreciates chocolates, his one, and only addiction.

"Hey, what about that stuff you told us, Is it true? If the person using the note fails to continuously write names of people within 13 days of each other, then the user will die. If you make this note unusable by tearing it up or burning it, all the humans who have touched the notebook then will die. Are you saying that those two rules are made up?" The mafia boss asked.

They all stood away from the shinigami, except for Mello as he sat near it.

"Oh yeah, those rules are definitely fake. My guess is that some shinigami wrote them as a joke before giving the notebook to a human." Sidoh easily replied as he ate further more into the chocolate bar he was given.

'As for the 13-Day-Rule. We can easily test that out by using one of our associates. But the real question is, was this the notebook that was used by Kira? And if so, was he aware that these two rules were false? If he did know. He could have used these rules to his advantage. In particular, the 13-Day-Rule would've allowed him to prove his innocence in only 13 days.' Mello thought in a trance. The 2nd successor would've had a chance to out-smarten Near if it wasn't only for his emotions that get in his way.

"Sidoh. Go keep watch outside." Mello suddenly spoke. Sidoh looked at him as he continued nibbling on the chocolate bar.

"It'll be very convenient for us that you can't be seen by humans. Go outside and keep watch, got it?" Mello spoke, his demeanor changed and his pupils dilated for a little bit.

'What is with this guy? He's human. But he's scary.' Sidoh thought to himself.


There will be a time skip because writing the event with no particular changes is pointless.)

-Continuation (It will have bits of changes.)-

This is the part where they planned the get the Death Note back.

???'s POV

I called N aka Near secretly. I wanted to inform them about what is going on, he might have a clue on who Kira is since Kira himself is involved in this situation. N accepted my call as I began talking.

"This is T. I am part of the Japanese Task Force and I would like to inform you on what is going on, N," I said, obviously putting on a voice masker. I don't want anyone to know who I am.

I filled the SPK about everything that is going on, not leaving a single information. I am always labeled as useless so I feel like this is the best thing I've done. I think I was so blinded by emotions and my own stupidity that I have turned a blind eye on a possible Kira suspect within the Task Force itself.

At first, I thought it was impossible, but now. I think that I just don't want to believe reality. I always escaped reality instead of living in it.

Hah, The idiot I am.

Your POV

I felt completely useless just staring at the scene unfold. The Japanese Task Force, more like 'T' told us about the mafia associates' deaths that Kira planned. It's strange that Kira would help them retrieve the notebook back.

I guess it makes sense on the first look because a Death Note is in the hands of a 'criminal.' But the Japanese Task Force is against Kira himself so why would he? He could've gotten the notebook himself.

Unless of course, Kira is in the task force. And pretty much unless of course. Kira is Light Yagami.

There's the strong instincts and feelings deep inside me that kept insisting Light Yagami is Kira. I wouldn't be even surprised if he is. It feels like we all know who Kira is, we just want confirmation and proof.

We watched behind the screens as the scenes unfold. Since T told us about what's happening, Gevanni insisted on using his 'ninja-worthy-sneaky-skills' to place cameras on Soichoro Yagami since he would be the one to make the eye trade.

I thought that's there's no way Gevanni could actually place the cameras unnoticed in Soichoro Yagami's clothes. But damn, he did a good job with it. A really good job.

There is no such thing as there's no such thing.

Mihael Keehl. Mello's real name. Why does it feels like his name, face, and voice are all too familiar? Am I just imagining things or something?

I wanted to stop Soichoro from writing Mello's name but I can't do anything. I just watch behind the screen along with Near and all the other remaining SPK members.

"Let go of that trigger and put your hands in the air," Soichoro said. Kira can probably hear their conversation but he cannot see them. If Kira saw Mello's face then Mello should've died by now.

"Don't make a move! I've already written your first name down and it will only take me a second to write down your surname!" Soichoro screamed.

"I'm really sorry. For what's it worth you take my word that I really don't want to kill you." Mello paused. "But tell me Yagami, have you ever killed anyone before?" He asked, the look on his face was daring but his eyes showed something different. It must be the real emotion he's feeling right now.

Gunshots were heard behind the little camera. Someone was shooting Soichoro Yagami!

"Near! Someone's shooting Soichoro! It must have been one of the mafias!" Halle exclaimed.

"Please calm down. As if I don't know that already." Near said in a monotone. Seriously Near!

"You want us to calm down despite what's happening?" I asked him, trying to keep my voice down. Soichoro is a good father. Sayu and his wife still need him, just put Light Yagami out of the picture.

"We can't really do anything now, can we?" Near replied. I sighed, of course, we can't do anything and of course he was right.

"It's all over Mello! Put your hands up and surrender!" A voice screamed. The other Japanese Police members must have heard the gunshots and ran to where it was. Soichoro fell down so we can't really see what's going on.

There was a sudden click and we also heard a few gasps, next thing we know. The building exploded and the camera was destroyed.

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