Chapter 14: Memories

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Chapter 14: Memories

Your POV

My head suddenly felt like it was exploding. It was suddenly hard to breathe. I was gasping for air and Near must have noticed it. He was asking me what's wrong with his usual monotonous voice. He seemed so far away, my head was spinning. I was so nauseous. Before I knew it, darkness engulfed me.

"Oh, I'm totally going to beat you, Sweet Cakes!"  A redhead boy playfully exclaimed at a young girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair and sparkling (E/C) eyes. I immediately recognized the girl. It was a younger me. Who's the red haired boy, though?

"Nope! Not this time Matty!" The younger me playfully screamed back at the redhead. There was suddenly a loud knock on the door. Both the redhead and the younger me ignored it as they were so focused on the game.

"You two! Open the goddamn door!" A familiar voice screamed from outside. It's like I'm watching a movie scene and I can't move. What's happening?

"Shut up Mels! I still have to beat Matty!"  I- My younger self replied at the person knocking.

The person named 'Mels' suddenly stopped knocking. A familiar blonde-haired boy with blue eyes climbed onto the open window.

"Hey, I told you that you shouldn't call me Mels! It sounds like a girl's name." The blonde boy argued. He looks so much like a younger Mello. Is he Mello?

"Wait for what? You're a boy?" The younger me playfully asked.

"Oh shut up." The blonde boy, possibly Mello, said.

"Hah! Take that Matty! I won! I freaking won!" My younger self screamed at the redhead that I kept calling 'Matty.'

"That's eleven wins to a hundred!" He teased as he smirked.

"Shut up, Let me savor this win." My younger self playfully snapped.

"Mels! Are those (Chocolate/Brand) Chocolates?!!" I excitedly screamed. Well, the younger me did.

"Nope. You're not getting any of it." 'Mels' said. Hiding the chocolates away.

"Oh no, blondie. I'm taking all of those in your sleep!"  The younger me replied. 'Mels' did a scared face as he dashed somewhere to hide his chocolates.

The scene suddenly became black. The time and place changed. Me, the blonde - which might be Mello, and the redhead were playing in the backyard of a house. It looks like a birthday party was being held in it too.

There were party balloons, toys, and sweets everywhere. There are some people too but they're not in the backyard. I caught a glimpse of what looks like a sign.

'Happy Birthday Mello!' It said.

My eyes widened to probably the size of a saucer. What the hell is going on?!

The time setting changed. There was a young me. I was hugging the redhead and Mello. I still can't get over to what I saw. Did I possibly know Mello in the past and I don't remember it?

"Y/N, You promised..." Mello told me in a sad tone.

"Yeah Y/N, Why are you leaving us so sudden?" The redhead asked sadly.

"I-It's not my d-decision Matt, Mello. I'm so sorry." A younger me said. Tears are welling up in her- my eyes. Matt? Mello? Really, What's going on? Who's Matt?

"Y/N  Hurry up!" My mom's voice screamed from somewhere.

"So... This is goodbye?" 'Matt' asked.

"No! I'll see you guys sometime, I don't know when or how but I promise I will! I'll see you soon Mihael and Mail!" I exclaimed at them. My emotions are clearly visible on what I was saying.

I hugged- more like the younger me, hugged them one last time. I was crying and my dad was forced to drag me out from the hug. It seemed like Mello, Matt and I were really close friends for me to cry this hard.

"See ya Y/N!" Matt screamed at me as he waved goodbye. I waved back sadly and it all went black again.

(A/N: Okay that was cliche.)

The younger me was leaning her head on the glass pane of the car. Watching the streets go by a blur. A sad, lonely expression was on her face as she sighed. Rain started to pour making it hard to see on the road. I was sitting beside my older sister, S/N.

I miss my family so much.

There was also a boy with us. My age maybe? Now, who the hell is he?

It was night time. Is the house we're moving in really that far?

As the younger me was watching the scenes pass by a blur, an event happened really fast that I almost didn't catch up to what's happening.

There was loud music with lyrics I cannot decipher, screaming, laughing, then screaming again. Blinding lights and a loud crash.

Our car crashed with another.

My eyes snapped open. It was so cold and all I saw was white. Am I in a hospital room or some sort? Wait no, I'm in Near's room when I passed out.

I stared at the ceiling, trying to let the shock wear off. I took in large deep breaths, calming myself as tears sprung to my eyes.

I remember everything now.

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