Chapter 6

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It was a long time. I opened my eyes again, and saw him shakily holding the bow and arrow scarily trying to look tough.

"Hey," I said, " If you your gonna kill me do it already would ya?" I can't believe I was joking around at this point, with at arrow to my head. The boy looked at me and studied my eyes.

"Follow me," he commanded. I quickly grabbed Ari's hand and ran behind him. He looked like he meant business.

We walked along a thin pathway leaving Ari following behind me grasping my hand tightly. There were many plants and trees in the way, making the boy gently cut them, to make room for us to pass through. I wondered where I was going. I felt as if the path was endless.

We finally got to a small cottage and I froze. This was the cottage from my dream when I passed out. It looked exactly the same. The cottage was very small, enough to hold about 4 people. It looked very wearily, but steady. It had moss growing all around it, keeping it concealed. Gosh, these people were very secretive. If the boy wouldn't of showed me here, I would've been lost forever. It seemed as it they tried as much as they could to not hurt the nature here.

"Are you coming?" The boy seemed impatient.

"Oh, sorry!" I snapped out of it and followed him into the cottage. We walked inside and I was warmer than the cold wind of outside.

"Grandma I found her," the boy was really annoying me. What does he mean he found me?

The grandma sighed. "Hello dear! We've been waiting for your arrival."

"What do you mean?" I was getting tired of all these secrets and I wanted to know what was going on.

"You have come to save us."

"From what?"

"You will kno later." She turned around and gave her soup another mix and set the pot on the table. "Now you must eat for your journey and we will help you prepare."

I was so confused by this lady. I mean come on, I had to save a town or something of elves(I don't know what species they were) from it? This made no sense!

We sat down at the table and ate our food. "So," I said casually,"Who are you guys?"

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I forgot to introduce myself! How rude of me! My name is Isabelle and this is Jered." She pointed to the boy who I assumed was her grandson. She was feeding a little girl about 1, a bowl of soup. Ari seemed interested in this girl. "And who's this little child?"

"Oh she's Ari, my um.. little sister," I was a terrible liar, but they seemed to accept it. After we finished our soup, Isabelle showed Ari and I where to sleep for the night. It was a cottage similar to theirs, but smaller. It had a nice glow to it. I to ready for bed as Ari asked me,"Why are you my sister now?"she said with fear in her eyes. She was a smart girl for her age. "I will tell u later, ok?"

"Kay," she said and drifted off to sleep. I wondered how I would tell her that her family was far away from us and we would never see them again. I slowly closed my eyes and was asleep in an instant.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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