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Irene's POV

"No" I told Leo as he followed me through the store. I had just opened the door to my shop and Leo had just caught me at the right moment. I tired to keep it civil since the kids were with me.

They had no school today.

"Well its nice to know that our kids are still alive" he tired to joke.

"Excuse me"

"I said it's nice to know our kids are still alive. You were still here at 5 in the afternoon and I know for a fact that their school ends at three" I clapped and told the kids to go to my office.

"Listen. I'm not going to any relationship therapy with you, because one we don't have a relationship, two, the kids were picked up by Gabe and Gia and were dropped off at my moms. I don't forget that I made a commitment to be a parent unlike you who forgot that they were married and have kids" I walked further into the shop only for Leo to grab my arm.

"Please just show up. Not for me but the kids. This could be taking a toll on them. Not having their parents together"

"Actually, the kids don't mind. And for the last time, no I'm not going. You'll have to drug me to ever want to be in a relationship with you" I ripped my hand from him and at the exact moment, Devin walked in. He stood between me and Leo.

"I think it's time for you to go" Leo laughed and shook his head. He mumbled 'unbelievable' under his breath and walked out.

Devin turned to look at me. Before he could speak the kids walked out and yelled, uncle Dev.

It was an accident when the kids met Devin actually. I gave Gabe my Range Rover as a gift and Devin offered to drive me how me from work to the dealers to buy a new car for myself.

But why give Gabe a car. Well since we moved, his university was farther and I couldn't handle the extra 25 minute drive and be late to open the shop.

Anyway Dev came early one morning and then boom the kids meet him. At first Gabe, Hailey, and Aniyah thought we were an item. I mean I wouldn't mind giving him a shot. He's already admitted to me a long time ago that he liked me.

"Hey guys how are you" he picked up Fabian but then put him back down when he saw
me looking. I hated when people picked Fabian up. He was 8 years old not months.

Dev played with the kids when I remembered that I should make plans with Layla tonight. I mean Leo parents haven't seen the the kids in a while. Maybe I can get them to watch them. Or trust Gabe and call it a day.

I texted Layla asking if she was free tonight.

She responded with a yes and asked if I'll meet her at Lucky's, a bar. The conversation ended and I asked Gabe if he and Gia wouldn't mind watching the kids. He shook his head and then boom. Momma's gonna have some fun.


I was straightening my hair when my doorbell ranged. I turned the flat iron off a ran to the front door and saw Layla. She was wearing a white dress with black pointy heels.

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