12- Updated (Filler)

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Sorry I've been updating really late.
Irene's POV

"So do you mind telling me what the hell you were doing" I asked in between my hits. Hailey squealed and tried to move away.

Devin walked in a saw what was happening. She noticed that he was in the room and called for him.

"Daddy please help me" I stopped and realized, she called Devin dad.

He opened his arms and she ran to him. I can't believe she called him dad. I mean I'm not complaining.

I put the belt down and stared at the scene in front of me. Devin extended his free arms to me and I walked in.

The hug lasted at least a few minutes before the house phone rang.


I listened to my mother rant on how she lost Hailey. I laughed and told her that she was with me and I'll explain everything later.

Devin's POV

I can't believe it. She called me sad. I knew that having kids with Irene was a huge no. Due to the fact that she already had four of them and that we were getting older, but I didn't mind. As long as I had Irene and her kids I was complete.

I realized that Hailey was asleep so I carried her to her bedroom.

"You're really good with kids" I heard from behind me. I knew it was Irene. I turned to look at her.

"You think so" she nodded as took my hand, and lead me to the bedroom. She pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me.

"I'm ready" I smiled and grabbed her waist but leaned back.

"Are you sure about this. I mean Hailey's here and we're just starting to proceed with our relationship" I asked.

"This may sound dumb but I really like you. Maybe even love you. I want this but I won't do it only if you don't want to" I bite me lip.

She bent down and kissed my lips forcefully. Before I could stop anything we ended up naked and rolling around in the sheets.

I rolled over and went to kiss Irene but realized that her eyes were closed and her breathing went back to normal. Mm. I gave her that good d.

The Next Morning

"Good morning" Hailey said walking into the kitchen in her pajamas.

"Good morning, how did you sleep" I asked flipping the eggs.

"Good and you and mom slept good as well" she asked sipping her orange juice she poured herself.

I blushed and grabbed six plates. I wasn't sure if the rest of the kids were going to be arriving this morning or later.

"Indeed we sleep well"

"Oh really now. I'm gone for what a few hours and you're already telling our business" Irene joked while walking in.

We all laughed but stopped when the front door opened.

"What's so funny" Gabriel asked stomping through the house.

Irene's mom walked through the house.

"What's wrong with him"

"He's been like that since last night" her mom answered grabbing some fruit.

"Yeah ever since Gia called he's been upset"

Irene's face showed concern for her first born. Maybe a bad break up. I got out of my chair and went to his room.

Once I knocked he answered.

"You wanna talk about it" I asked peeking my head through the door.

"I'm pretty sure you'll tell my mom or worst, lecture me"

"If you don't want your mom to know, she'll won't know" I said pulling a chair next to his bed.

"Its about my girlfriend Gia"

"Bad breakup"

"I wish"

I listened as he talked and thought how the hell was Irene going to feel about this. I mean she's only 38.

At chapter 15 you'll finally know what Gabriel and Gia are hiding.

Word Count: 641

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