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Devin's POV

I drove away from Irene's house thinking I just kissed her. My grin never left my face, not even after I took a shower and got ready for bed. Ever since I saw her that day for the interview, I knew I had to have her. I was going to tell her about Leo's lechery but when she told me that wasn't the first time that he's cheated, the only thing I could think of was who would cheat and abandon their beautiful family.

The family that could've been mine. I remember when I first meet Irene. She was the shy girl from California who had just moved to Boston ready to take on the world. She was a college student and so was I, but before I could get to her, Leonardo Nachilli did.

~ "Man just go talk to her, what the worst she can do"

"Tell me to get lost" I watched as the new girl walked around campus looking for the dorms. She wore the Boston University sweatshirt with pride in the fall weather.

"Alright, I'm going in" I started to walk over but stopped when Leonardo Nachilli the schools manwhore, walked towards her. He took off his ''varsity' jacket and gave it to her.

She smiled and they talked. Slowly my heart crushed seeing them talked to each other.

"Damn man, that blows maybe the universe will somehow bring you two together somehow" I turned to look at Pete, our school stoner.

End of flashback

If I knew what happened to Pete I would be kissing his feet right now. When I heard the they got married and she had their first child together right after college I knew my chances were over. But somehow the universe, God was giving me a second chance and I'll be damn if I let Leo get in my way. Again.

Irene's POV

I made breakfast and sat down at the table with my kids. The huge stupid smile on my face wouldn't go away.

"So are you and Dev an item. Are we gonna be calling him dad"

I shook my head and sipped my coffee.

"No, we're just friends"

"Who make out with other" I almost spit my coffee when Aniyah muttered the words under her breath.

"Go get ready for school" I said pointing to the bedroom door. "You two as well" I needed to talk to them later after school.

I really like Devin but I need to make sure the kids are ok with it.

"Alright mom were done" I broke out of my trance and drove them to school. As I was pulling into my driveway, Leo's car pulled up. Oh boy.

I hopped out my car and tried to turn to the front door but unfortunately I was too slow.

"Irene please talk to me" He followed me into the house.

"What do you want to say to me" I asked walking to the kitchen. I fixed myself and him a cup coffee.

"About us. Come with me to the therapy and bring Devin. I'll bring Layla" he stood up and walked to me. "Please, you're the only person who won't go" I thought about it.

Maybe going to the lesson would make Leo stop harassing me. I rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

"I'll go" he jumped and hugged me. "But only if you sign the papers after and leave me alone"

"But why would I do that. I love you"

"You don't love me. Be for real, you cheated on my twice and you have the nerve to say you love me. Now leave before I change my mind"

"As you say Mrs. Nachilli"

"It's Ms. Wade now" I sipped my coffee as he left.

Holly's POV

"Good afternoon" I greeted the four people that walked in my office. Leo tired to sit next to Irene but the two spots that were open to her were taken by a two unfamiliar faces.

"I'm glad you all came make it" I watched as the three people scooted further from Leo.

I got more to do than what I thought.

"Ok Leo since you called why do you think you're here" I clicked my pen and got ready to write.

"Well if I'm being honest it's because of me" I. nodded and wrote down that Irene stiffened. I'd talk to her later. "I cheated on the woman that I love and let her down, not once but twice"

The other three rolled their eyes.

"Irene I saw that you stiffened when he said that you're all here because of him and why was that"

"Well I mean we are here because of him. If he didn't propose and cheat on me we really wouldn't be here" I nodded.

I turned towards the other female. "Layla is it" she nodded.

"How do you feel that you were engaged to a married man"

"I didn't know he was married already. He never came to work with a wedding ring and he said he loved me and wanted to start a family with me" wow.

The buff man sitting next to Irene sat up and Irene leaned in. He wrapped his arm around her.

"And you're Devin" I asked the buff man.

"Yes ma'am"

"And you are dating Ms. Wade. Correct"

"Actually we decided not to peruse anything until the divorce is finalized"

"Ok, and how do you feel about Leo's cheating"

"I think it's disgusting and to hear that this is the second time, it's degrading"

I didn't know what else to do with the situation. Irene seemed happy with Devin and vise versa. Layla didn't want anything to do with Leo and so did Irene.

"Well I have no other way to say this, but Leo I think it's best that you leave Irene alone and let her enjoy her life. I also think you should leave Layla alone as well. It seems to me you don't like being tied down to one person. So it's best if you see me every week to talk about why you can't be a one woman man"

Leo placed his head in hands and let a breath out. He looked up and tears in eyes.

"It's ok" he said grabbing his cost and walking out.

"He'll be ok" I close my notepad and shook their hands.

"See you guys later" they all nodded and left.

Irene's POV

"So I guess this means he'll sign the papers and we'll be together" Devin asked while walking me to the car.

"I guess that does. I'll tell you when he actually signs the papers"

"Yeah" we hugged and I kissed him on the cheek.

I watched as he drove off.

"Irene. I'll sign the papers and leave you alone ok"

It hurt me to see Leo so sad but he cause this upon himself.

Holly, Kyle ⬆️➡️
Word Count: 1153

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