No One Knows

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I wake up early. My bags are already packed.

Mike and Tré took me to the hospital that night after I OD'd to get my stomach pumped. I've been feeling a lot better. I haven't cut, popped pills, or had a drop of alcohol since that night. Which was only 3 days ago. But still. It's a start.

I grabbed my bags and got in my car and drove to Mike's house. I took my stuff and threw it into Mike's car with his and Tré's stuff. I went inside his house. They were both sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Looks who's up so early. I'm glad to see you're doing better," Mike said happily with a smile on his face.

"Let's hurry up and get to the airport. Billie looks like he's about to shit himself," Tré said.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole." I said to him jokingly. We both laughed. I'm glad I'm doing better. I hope it stays that way.

After they got done eating, Mike drove us to the airport. We boarded the plane. I was so anxious to see Adrienne I started shaking.

"Woah calm down, kid!" Mike exclaimed. I laughed nervously.

"I'm so excited to see her, Mike. I can hardly breathe." Mike smiled a bit.

We got off the airplane in Minneapolis and took a cab to Addie's house. The three of us stood on the steps to her door. I knocked. We waited for like 30 seconds then I knocked again. A minute later the door opened and there stood Addie wearing a black robe. I ran to her and put my arms around her. I kissed her on the lips. It felt so good. Adrienne kinda pushed me off. I blushed. A man with sandy brown hair came up behind her wearing a dark blue robe. He put his arms around her waist and kisses her on the forehead.

"What is this?" The man demanded.

"Addie.." I could hear the pain in my voice.

"Billie Joe, I tried calling you over and over to break up with you but you didn't answer. I figured.." She trailed off. "I'm with Brian now, Billie. I love him. Not you. I'm sorry."

"But. But. But." I was lost for words. I felt the tears stinging at my eyes but I didn't care. Not until I seen a huge diamond ring on her finger. What the fucking hell is that?!?!?! She caught my gaze.

"Brian and I are engaged," Adrienne said as this Brian dude kissed her on the forehead. She looked at him with love in her eyes. I fell to my knees and let the tears spill out.

"You bitch!" Tré yelled at her. "Do you know what Billie Joe has gone through. He misses you so fucking much and this is how you repay him?? He falls asleep wasted every night. Hungover in the morning. He overdosed the other night. Mike and I brought him to the hospital. Look at his fucking wrists, Addie!" Tré pulls up my sleeves. "Look!" I looked up at her through my tears. Everything was blurry but I seen the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I. I." She stuttered.

"Spit it out!" Tré yelled. Adrienne slammed the door in our faces. Mike hoisted me up and the two of them helped me back to the car. We didn't stay in Minnesota. We took the first available flight back home to California.

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