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I can no longer afford to pay the bills on my apartment. I lost my jobs. I'd feel pathetic turning to Mike and Tré but what other option do I have than to live in my car?

I decided to take a walk through the park. I sat down on one of the benches. There was a girl sitting on one of the benches by mine. She looked like she was crying so I stood up and sat by her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She jumped.

"Um. Nothing. Who are you?"

"My name is Billie Joe. What's your name?"

"Desirae," she answered me shyly.

"Well Desirae, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, my boyfriend just broke up with me. It was a three year relationship. What are you doing here Billie Joe? Also, you can call me Desi."

"My wife just left me. I was just gonna head to my friends house. I'm moving in there since I lost my apartment," I said.

"What happened between you and your wife?" Desi asked  cautiously. "If you don't want to talk about it that's fine. But I'm all ears if you wanna talk."

"Well. We lost a baby and she sorta blamed me for it. She started pushing me away. She wouldn't come home at night. I. I tried to be there for her. Through her whole pregnancy I was there for her. I did everything to show hero loved her that I cared for her. That she had someone when she doubted it. I'd always tell her how beautiful she was. How happy I was that I had her. But I guess that wasn't enough. I guess I wasn't enough. Nothing I ever do for anyone is enough." I felt the tears stinging at the edges of my eyes. I stood up. "I should get going." I started to walk away but suddenly she spoke.

"Can I have your number?" She must've seen the confused look on my face because she added; "I mean so we can talk. Maybe we can meet up and get a coffee or something."

"Umm. Sure. You got a piece of paper or something?" I asked, pulling a pen out of my pocket. I wrote my number down in the notebook she took from her bag.

"Thank you. It was nice to meet you, Billie Joe." She stood up and shook my hand. I nodded.

"You too, Desirae." We both walked in separate directions.

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