Give Me Novacaine

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Billie's POV

"I gotta get going," I heard the groggy voice of Desirae Lee Norton mumble next to me. I pull her closer to me.

"Don't leave me babyyyyyyyyyy," I groan. She climbs on top of me and kisses me.

"I have to get to work. And don't call me baby. Go to Hailie." Then don't kiss me and make me want you more. I roll away from her and climb out of bed. I wonder what she'd think if I got dressed in front of her. Oh well. Looks like I'll be finding out.

"What are you doinggggggg?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" She shrieked as I pulled my shirt up over my head revealing my 8 pack (I wish.)

"Getting dressed. I thought you had to go," I mumbled. She stands up and rubs her hands down my chest. She gives me a quick peck on the lips then turns and leaves. After I get dressed I decide to go see Hailie. I miss her so much even though I only seen her just yesterday. I sigh as I pull on my dirty, worn out converse. I hopped into my old, rusty 1996 Ford F150 and drove the couple blocks up to Hailie's house. I could've just walked. Tre, Mike and I live on 12th Street, Hailie and Desi live on Suburbia Boulevard, which is two streets over. I pulled into the short driveway of their huge, white, two story house. Something seems off. I kicked a black BMX bike out of the way after I tripped over it, and stumbled up the cement stairs to the front door. I let myself inside and walked upstairs. The floor boards creaked beneath my feet while I walked upstairs to Hailie's room. I know she's here. Her white Corvette was parked in the driveway.

I heard moans and heavy breathing coming from her bedroom. I kicked he door open angrily and seen exactly what I expected. Hailie fucking another guy. But not just any guy. It was Jimmy.

"GET THE FUCK UP!" I yelled, pulling Jimmy off of Hailie and started punching the shit out of him.

 I glanced up at Hailie. She was sitting on her bed, holding the sheets up to her chest, looking mortified. Her face was bright red and tears streamed down her face causing her mascara to run. Her red lipstick was smeared all over her face as well as on Jimmy's. Jimmy was sitting on the ground holding his nose, while blood dripped from it. I stood and turned to face Hailie.

"Don't hurt me! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!" She screamed at me. I walked toward her.

"You fucking bitch. Why did you do it?" I asked angrily, holding back the tears.

"I don't love you. I never did. You're just some druggy who throws parties every weekend and gets drunk. You probably fuck every girl you see. I seen you sucking on that one girls face last year at your party. Yes. I was there."

"SHE WAS MY FUCKING WIFE!" I sob, not caring about crying anymore. I miss Addie. I guess I'm just unlovable. If we hadn't lost Joey, she'd probably still be here. I can picture her chocolate brown eyes. Her blonde and brown dreadlocks. She's the most beautiful girl in the world. But I let her slip away. I was a terrible husband and I'm sure I would've been a terrible father too. I turned to leave. A smirk appeared on her bratty face.

"You weren't very good anyways!" she called after me. I slammed to front door shut and got back in my truck. I sat with my head in my hands sobbing. Is there anything I can do right? I pull out of the driveway and went to the 7-Eleven. I bought 5 cases of beer, 3 cases of Coke, and 10 packs of cigarettes. After I left, I went to a drug store and bought 2 bottles of over the counter pain killers and some razors.

When I got home I brought my purchases to my bedroom and locked the door. I stacked the beer and soda up in the corner next to my mini fridge, the sat on my bed. I pulled a shoe box out from under my bed and threw in the pain killers and the cigarettes, minus the one pack I kept out, and put the box back under my end.

I popped the blades out of the razors. I picked one up and held it to my wrist until my skin turned white. I dropped the blade and started sobbing into my pillow. I heard a knock on my door.

"Billie Joe?" It was Mike.

"Yeah?" I asked trying to sound casual.

"Can I come in?"

"NO!" I yelled. The I heard his footsteps slowly walk away.

I picked up the blade again and dug it into my skin. Blood ran down my arm and dripped onto my bed but I don't care. I did it again and again until my arm was numb. When I was finished, I dropped the blades into the shoe box under my bed with the cigarettes. Then I took 3 painkillers, chugged a beer and smashed the bottle against the wall.

I crumpled to the floor and started sobbing.

"Addie," her name slipped out of my mouth in a whisper. My door burst open causing me to jump. There stood Mike holding a key. He ran over to me.

"Oh my God, Billie," He whispered. "TRE. GET YOUR FUCKING ASS IN HERE!" Tre bounced into my room.

"Tre Cool at your serv-OH MY GOD BILLIE!" Tre ran out of the room and returned with a first aid kit. He pulled out a wet wash cloth and started wiping the blood off of my wrist. Then he gently wrapped a bandage wrap around my arms.

"Billie, you need help," Mike said quietly.

"What happened? You were doing so good," Tre asked while rubbing my back.

"A-A-Addie. . ." I sobbed. "I miss her so much. Hailie's been cheating on me with some Jimmy guy. I just beat the shit out of him."

"Jimmy? What the fuck kind of loser is that? I'll beat the shit out of him. Nobody fucks around with my Billie Joe Armstrong." Tre ran out of the room again then I heard the front door slam.

Tre's POV

When I got to that bitch Hailie's house, I kicked her fucking front door down. I ran up the stairs and started searching for her bedroom. It wasn't very hard because of all the moans. I knocked out her bedroom door too and cocked my shotgun. The bitch started screaming. I aimed the gun at the two of them. The Jimmy asshole was on top of her. He jumped up and ran to the corner and started crying.

"You fucking pansy!" I laughed. Then I slammed the butt of the gun into his nose causing blood to get everywhere.  Hailie screamed again.

"Get the fuck out of here if you want to live!" I yelled at Jimmy. He got up and ran. "And don't come back!"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM TRE?!?!?" she shoved me. I laughed.

"You're the problem. Stay the fuck away from Billie. He's been through enough pain."

"You can't tell me what to do. I can do what I want to him. He's my fucking boyfriend!" She says matter-of-factly. I laugh again.

"Actually no. He's not your boyfriend. You guys are done."

"YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO THAT!" I turn to leave. When I get outside, I hop back into Billie's truck and go home.

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