Chapter 6: The Cliche Consequences

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"Coraline Mathews," I hear my name being announced as I stroll down the hallway towards my locker, "Please proceed to the principal's office immediately."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Why would Principal Harold want to make my morning more unpleasant? First I deal with my mother and now this. I roll my eyes in annoyance, ignoring the curious stares I was getting from my fellow classmates and start making my way towards the principal's office.

I take a sip of my coffee when realization hits me like a ton of bricks. Tattle-tail Mila must have complained to him. Fuck.

I internally groan when I see the devil's pink hair through the glass door. Called it.

Taking a deep breath, I mentally prepare myself for what's about to happen next as I push open the door, heading inside with a sweet smile on my face, "Hey Mr. Harold, you wanted to see me?"

"Ah yes Miss Mathews, please take a seat." He says as he motions towards the chair beside Mila. "It's been brought to my attention that you have pulled a rather obnoxious prank on Miss Ryder here, one that has lead to her hair being a shocking shade of pink."

"Oh really? Have I now? And what proof is there that I committed such a rather obnoxious crime?" I ask mockingly.

Mila's face whips towards me, anger evident in her striking blue eyes, "Isn't my hair proof enough you?"

"Look Miss Mathews, a number of students have said they witnessed you admit to being the one behind this issue so arguing about this will get us nowhere," Mr. Harold speaks.

"I don't care who heard me say what because for all we know, Mila probably convinced those people to speak in her favor. I refuse to accept responsibility for all this. I'm sorry her hair is fifty shades of pink now, but that is all on her." I reply back, thrusting my chin out defiantly.

"What do you mean it's on me?! I don't recall asking for a hairdo, that also from the likes of you!" Mila raises her voice.

"You clearly did when you decided to pull the same prank on me. Right now you're just angry because I gave you a taste of your own medicine!" I shout back, seconds before realizing what I just admitted to. 

I turn took at Mr. Harold's who just raises his eyebrows in surprise.

"Are you clairvoyant? Unless that's the case, how can you even say that I was going to do this to you?" Mila retorts back, smirking.

She probably thinks she won this argument but this bitch doesn't know that I always get the last word.

"Who needs a detective when you have a boyfriend that can't keep his mouth shut?" I ask, smirking.

At this point, if you open the dictionary to look for a word that's a hybrid of shocked and outraged, I'm sure you'd see a picture of Mila's face there.

She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, clearly out of words. I would've felt sorry for her at this point if she wasn't such a bitch.

"Alright! I've had enough of this argument. Miss Ryder, take the day off and take a trip to the salon, get your hair fixed." Upon hearing this, Mila quietly stands up and leaves, still sporting a lost look. As of right now her mind is everywhere else but here and she seems rather relieved to leave.

"As you for you Miss Mathews," He turns to face me, "Suspension. Do not step foot in the school for three days. Be sure to spend this time pondering over your immature act. If you have any issues, you report to higher authorities rather than taking matters into your own hands, a lesson I'm sure you'll learn over the course of this suspension."

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