Chapter 11: The Cliche Late Night Rendezvous

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A/N: Here's another update, edited and fixed by our fav, E. YAY. Hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you do, please leave a comment and vote. Love you!

I'm sitting on the kitchen counter, munching on a chocolate flavored granola bar as I wait for my idiot of a friend to come pick me up already.

It's been a while since Logan has picked me up for school. Ever since after the suspension, my mother who had been taking early morning shifts, decided to drop me off herself while on her way to work. But since dad's away for a business trip again, mom has resorted to late night shifts. I heard her come in sometime around six in the morning.

Where the hell is Logan?!

He texted me ages ago telling me he's left and is yet to arrive. I'm going to kill him if he makes me late for class, I can't afford any detentions or worse - suspensions.

I almost squeal in happiness when I hear a car honking. Finally!

Jumping off the counter, I grab my backpack and hurry out the door. I head over to Logan's car and as I get ready to open my mouth and curse at him, the familiar bittersweet aroma enters my nostrils, waking my senses up without even having to take a sip.


Logan grins at me as he hands over a Starbucks coffee cup. I gratefully take it from him and give him a side hug. "You're the best, Logi!"

"I know!" He smirks which earns him a slap on the head.

By now Logan has started driving while I happily sip on my coffee, almost burning my tongue multiple times.

"I feel like I barely get to see you now."

"You see me in school everyday." I point out, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah but it's not the same. We haven't had any best friend time for a while now. Just me, you and Becca."

"Hmm, that's not my fault is it? Because I'm not the one eating the others face off. Seriously, if you promise to control those spit swapping sessions of yours, I might consider being in the same room as you two for longer than 10 minutes." I scrunch my face in disgust.

"Shut up. That's not true." Logan mutters, a blush rising up to his cheeks which makes me burst out laughing.

"I'm joking, I'm joking! But it is partly true."

"Yeah whatever," he says, looking out the window before turning to the front again.

"Anyways, Becca's planning to sleep over this Friday. We haven't been able to hang out much either. Why don't you come along?" I suggest, "We could have a sleepover. Just the three of us. Like old times."

"This Friday?"

"Mmhmm." I confirm, taking a sip of my now luke warm coffee.

Logan seems to be in deep thought and just when I think he's about to say yes he curses, remembering something.

"Seth and I have plans."

"Anything important?"

He shakes his head no, "But I don't wanna cancel on him either."

"Well, he could come too if he wants?"

By now we had arrived at school and Logan is searching for a parking space. Once he spots one, he speeds over to it and parks the car rather way too perfectly.

He unbuckles his seat belt then turns to look at me, "Seriously?"

I nod, unbuckling mine.

"But your mom..."

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