Chapter 8: The Cliche Jealousy Plan

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 A/N: Surprise! Bet you didn't expect this update, did you? If you did, then you must be psychic or you must be Lydia Martin or Alice Cullen. But whatever. Here goes. Heads up! This is our funniest chapter to date and if you don't find it funny then there's something wrong with you. And it's long. Like super looonnggg.

Also, this chapter is dedicated to kiwi_girl_19 , AliaConnell for being constant commentors and arrowisonfire for the constant votes. You go girls! 

BTW: Follow us on Twitter, @poezynbabes for info about updates, some fun games, fun facts about real life people who inspired this story and bloopers!  

"Logan and I hooked up." Those are the first words I hear as I enter school and am swiveled around by a pair of hands, only to face my best friend.

My jaw drops.

Heads turn our way, students huddle up and start whispering, occasionally stealing glances at us.

What the guacamole did I just hear?!

Rebecca's eyes widen, quickly realizing she said that shocking and private piece of information a tad bit too loudly, and her hand shoots out to cover her mouth, sheepishly letting out a short "Oops".

I grab her hand and drag her to a corner, "You and Logan hooked up?! What? How? Where? When? Ohhhh my God!"

To say that I'm completely shocked would be the understatement of the century. Thousands of things are rushing through my head for an explanation behind this, but I come up blank.

"Well dear best friend, my house, after the party, two nights ago and do you really need to know how? I mean I could go ahead and tell you the details of all the sexy ways he--"

My eyes widen realizing where she's going with this. I slap my hand on her mouth, "No. Thats enough!"

She wiggles her eyebrows and licks my hand. God dammit.

"I can't believe this happened. Like, this was not expected. At all. How do you feel? Are you okay? Oh my God, you don't like him or anything, do you?!" I shriek, my eyes widening in horror at the hundreds of ways this can cause problems.

"Why? Just chill, Coco. It was a one time thing and not a big deal. It's not as if we both will suddenly fall in love with each other over a one night stand." Rebecca casually tells me. "And no, I do not like him like that."

I hope to God that's true.

"Thank God, so it's all cool then? You have no feelings for Logan at all? None at all?" I ask, still unsure.

"Yup and nope." She confirms, unfazed.

"Okay then." I try my hardest to get the sick image of them going at it out of my head, courtesy of my wild and highly graphic imagination.

"I heard some stuff between Tyler and Eleanor at the party." I blurt in a desperate attempt to change the topic.

"That's nothing new." Rebecca says in a bored tone as she admires her freshly manicured nails.

"Yeah but I heard Tyler threatening her! Like El was begging him for something, saying she'd pay him and what not." I try to explain and I see a hint of interest building in her eyes.

"Holy shit what if Tyler is El's secret whore and she pays him for sex whenever she wants! OMG it can totally be true. The girl doesn't even look at other guys and how can she possibly maintain that calm demeanor without getting some hot and private action!" Rebecca squeals, excitement filling her irises.

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