one fly mofo!

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he moved forward cautiously and then decided to try and grab my waist to try and bring me to the ground. as he leaned forward already knowing what he was trying to do and only using one hand I took a firm grip of his hand and twisted him backwards with ease I then took hold of his other and dropped to the floor taking him with me. I didn't want to act too skilled encase the coach Copt on. at this current moment I was straddling his back his legs underneath him so he could move any limbs.

I blew my curls out of my face and turn to the coach smirking. and just as I guessed, his mouth was open his eyes were wide and his body flushed. obviously a sore loser. the boy underneath me was squirming trying to free from my grasp.

"don't you have to count to 10 or something" I said trying to play clueless. but he just still stared in surprise. "Jesus Christ..i'll start over "i said with a huff releasing the boy from under me. he was very red in the face a mixture of pissed off and aroused. boys who can understand their filthy minds?

i wickedly smiled at him and then winked "round two big boy" i said he flushed redder if that was possible.

and in a obvious haze he ran up behind me trapping my arms. "ohh good move" i whispered before a squeak noise came from the far corner it was the door the boy looked over and using this to my advantage i swung my whole body upside down dependant on him still holding my arms i rapped my legs around his shoulders and using all my force i swung back. he landed head first onto the mat with a heavy thud. he didn't move the wind was probably knocked out of him so i just put his hands above his head straddling his hips letting my blonde waves fall into his face.

i could fell his heart beat suddenly picking up as well as his breath when he saw what position we were in. i just smirked at him like it had no effect on my at all. which it didn't.

i heard claps coming from the back of the hall. i let go of the boys hands and much to his embarrassment i didn't get up off his hips. and yet he still didnt try and push me off. most likely wondering if this was how close he would get to having sex with me. ergghh..gross.

i looked up sweeping my hair over my shoulder then running my hand though the top part pushing it away from my face. i then saw a boy not just any boy but the other Biggs. the brother of Luke and the other son of my target. and let me tell you he is one fly mofo! he had deep blue eyes like his brother but instead of having soft blonde hair like Luke he had chocolate brown ruffled hair

i just raised an eyebrow at him thanking god that i was on top of this boy otherwise my legs would have turned into jelly. "very impressive" he said winking at me. i turned my body to the left to face him i felt the boy stiffen underneath me i looked down to him. only to see he was giving me a 'if you don't get off i'll get a boner' look. so i just hopped off him causally. and then once again took in the appearance of the boy. he was wearing navy jogging bottoms and a white wife-beater. i mean why do they even call it that anyway??

"uh huh" i said desperately trying to look at his face not his tanned toned arms. ohh those arms "and i didn't break a nail" i said turning to the coach with a total fake cheerleaders voice.

he winced "i get your point hun, but lover boy isn't the best on the squad" he said pointing to Jake who flushed crimson."Ryan here is top in the county" he said gesturing to the fabulously gorgeous boy who was now walking toward me.

still walking. Still walking. Okay so now we are basically chest to chest only a tiny gap between us. he was taller than me but not that much. because of my model-like height it worked to my advantage because i could tell he wanted me to be intimidated.

"prepare to lose that title pretty boy" i said letting out a small sigh. making him tense as my minty breath fanned his face.

"pretty boy" he winced at my nickname. now it was my turned to tense at his warm breath hitting my cheek. i knew that he was trying to act like the mysterious bad boy. so i said that just to piss him off.

"you should take that as a complement" i said no moving so we were still inches apart. "unfortunately pretty boys aren't my type" i said will a sigh that made him tense again

"and why is it unfortunately that i'm not your type" he smirked reading into my words just as i planned

"because i only date winners" i said playfully narrowing my eyes at him.

"just bloody fight already, i haven't got all day sweetcheeks" the coach said looking at us expectantly

ohh hell no this dickhead did not just call me sweetcheeks. "excuse me?" i said turning to face the coach which caused my arm to brush against Ryan's rock hard abs. i ignored the fireworks that went off in my elbow and glared at the coach in disbelief

"either i didn't hear your correctly or your one unlucky asshole who's going to get the shit kicked out of him?" i didn't know what was happening the words just flew from my mouth. i heard a few people burst out laughing or a few gasps but Ryan stood there just looked impressed.

"you should watch your mouth little lady" he said in a warning tone.

"its my mouth i can say want i want to" i snapped. a few moments of silence and the coach staring at me with wide eyes. no one had ever stood up to him you could tell. but once his eyes grazed down to my chest and that was enough top tip he over the edge of my anger issues that was it i had, had enough

"that's it" i said through gritted teeth "how about i wrestle you coach?" i asked tension building inside of me.

"oh honey you wouldn't stand a chance" he smirked

"bring it" i said narrowing my eyes further at him

ohh its on like donkey kong bitch



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