Cheerleading yeah right

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I shove him off me which makes him stumble back a few steps in surprise "do that again and i'll brake your favourite part of you body" I say slinging my bag over my shoulder and walk out. I don't know where this confidence has come from but thank god. inside my body is screaming to sit the hell down before I faint, my legs are trembling and I have a weird knotting feeling in my stomach. I fumble for my keys and flip the door up slam in down then hit the gas with all my strength. I race out of the car park into a near by lane I park up, and let it all out.

i'm currently hammering my hands on the steering wheel tears streaming down my face swearing in every language know to man. After my little hissy fit , I decide to ring my boss. it rings once and then it's picked up "talk" she says simply through the other end of the line. " code red, he's back and it's going to take the whole of the m16 to stop me from killing him" I say and flip my phone shut, yeah I know smooth right?

I wipe the tears off my face and rub them down my skirt leaving mascara streaks all down it. great. I turn the car back on and head down to headquarters because I doubt that my little phone conversation was enough.


the next morning I wake up feeling like crap images of yesterday keep flashing in my mind. I wont be surprised if Connor makes a appearance today just to piss me off.

I pull on my new and very expensive shirt dress which isn't even all that great I just bought it for the label which would probably be checked in gym class. oh joy guess its round 2 for me and coachy-boy then. I apply my make up then head out taking the keys to tuckers car in the mean-time seeing as he's not around and I cant be bothered to ring him I might as well take them.

I pull up to school and park in the disabled bay, like the bad ass I am, well pretending to be. as I get out i'm greeted by wolf whistles and claps from everyone I pass. well that's weird. I feel someone's arm around my shoulder and I look up to find Justin grinning down on me " what do you want" I sigh but I really want to laugh at how goofy his smile is. "well toots, turns out someone caught you taking down the coach on camera, your a hero already got 1 million views on youtube!" he says lightly squeezing my shoulder, I shrug him off " the wonders of the internet" I say rolling my eyes

as I walk to my locker still receiving claps which I ignore I am greeted by a crowed all around my locker , like 10 people, cant they find somewhere else to stand. I recognise a few faces Ryan's, Lukes and Justins well I guess he followed me, the rest I didn't recognise they looked like cheerleaders to me all gossipy, screeching cheerleaders who all stopped chatting when they saw me. ohh joy they wanted to talk.

before the blonde bimbo obviously in charge could open her mouth I say "listen, whatever your going to say i'm not interested unless you move the fuck away from my locker" I say with a total fake smile.

the girl just stars for a moment before ushering her 'squad' or whatever you call it out the way of my locker. "well brie, I just wanted to say we saw you've video.." she says pausing for effect I just carry on a few steps to my locker and open it looking like I'm not interested in what she has to say, but she seems total oblivious." look flexible, so I've decided to allow you to be on the cheerleading squad" she smirks like I'm the luckiest person in the world who the hell does she think she is she's decided to allow me on the team. yeah right.

"listen um.."i say gesturing her to tell me her name which she looks shock at. "Britney" she says flicking her hair. "of course that's your name" I say rolling my eyes "well Britney i'd like to say i'm grateful, but. Well i'd be lying.I would never put myself in the same category as girls who chant and scream and giggle for a football team to win, no offence or anything but I'm not and never will be a cheer-leader" I say cringing as I say cheerleader out loud. I slam my locker shut to see 'Britney' with a look of complete shock as well as the rest of her 'squad' , while Ryan, Luke, and Justin are pissing themselves laughing "ohh and another thing" I say turning back to Britney "I don't need or want your permission. Got it?" I snap raising an eyebrow, her mouth is still open so she goes for a nod

"bye Brookie" i wave over my shoulder miss saying her name on purpose

"its Britney" she huffs

"whatever" I say turning down the hall and into first period witch I have with Mr Biggs. Yess!



remember I'm bad at editing

don't forget to check out my new story This Vs That


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