crown jewels&killer clowns

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he stood up to his full height I had to admit he was a big guy. a greasy ,slimy ,about-to-be-slam-dunked-on his fat ass guy.

"lets boogie princess" he said raising a bushing eyebrow.

"do you like children, as in a total none sexual way, of course " i asked hiding the evil glint in my eye, which Ryan seems to pick up on as he smirked knowing that I had a plan.

"No" he said simply.

"okay" i innocently replied. and with that he lunged for me trying to knock me off guard. I knew what was coming but I didn't move, instead I let him push me to the ground with a triumphant look in his eye. I just chuckled knowingly, and he knitted his eyebrows together with confusion

"you think it would be that easy" i smirked grabbing his hands that were on my shoulders and pushing them tightly against the mat either side of me. I brought my knees up to my chest and did a backwards roll causing my feet to smack his chin with force. his hand when to his chin with a groan. anger blazing through him. He ran towards me and I lazily high kicked his stomach he quickly grabbed my foot.

"getting a bit cocky blondy" he said pulling my foot a little making my hop. "i have no reason not to be" I smiled wickedly and with that I span my whole body round raising my leg as high as a could and with a grunt of force I kicked the side of his face. ohhh that's going to bruise. I spun around again and landed on my feet freed not out of breath or sweating at all. the coach on the other hand was crying out in pain holding his jaw sweat dripping from his forehead.

"you little bitch" he murmured and going to his last resort he grabbed my hair. I know right low blow or what! I could see Ryan out of the corner of my eye about to step in. but I didn't need his help I spun around and booted him right in the crown jewels. he fell to his knees his face scrunched up in pain

"its a good thing you don't like kids now you cant have any, you disgusting motherfu-"I was cut off by Ryan firmly putting his hand over my mouth. he smelted like lavender. ohh dreamy.

"babe, I really think you should stop there" he whispered

"hmphh" i shrugged him off. and turned to face a gobsmacked class. "class dismissed" I winked at no one in particular but it did cause a few people to go beetroot. as if on cue 3 seconds later the bell rang, I turned on my heels and swayed my hips and I walked into the locker room. not waiting for the coach to recover. after I got changed I walked to next period with Faye rambling on about how amazing my skills were towards the coach. my heels were making so much noise that I wanted to smash them against the wall.

"why do these things make so much bloody noise" I said with a huff looking down at the dainty stiletto that clung to my feet.

"I know right that's why I wear pumps" she giggled. halla-bloody-ulah ,she had finally laughed. one step closer to friendship.

I walked into class and walked into something soiled as a rock. "Jesus" I said looking up to see Ryan smirking at me my hands on his hard chest stabling myself. I didn't move out the way, but neither did he " I could do this all day pretty boy" i said putting a hand on my hip.

"so could I, babe" he said with his signature smirk

"harassing the new girl, already" said a unfamiliar voice, "my bet was on at least till lunch before he sniffed you out"

I turned to face the most handsome man I had ever seen. I could feel myself gaping so I quickly covered  it with a cough. great sky, real smooth. but I couldn't help it. here in front of me stood Sam Biggs the person I had to bring to justice, thank god I didn't have to terminate him I don't think I could bring myself to do it with his chiselled looks and chocolate brown eyes and closely shaven stubble. this guy looked nothing like Luke or Ryan. Ryan had the same hair and Luke had the same jawline but that was it. i meant this gut didn't look a day over 27. he must have been about 10 when he had kids.

"don't worry he doesn't have a hope in hell of getting with me " i smirked folding my arms across my chest causing cleavage to show a little bit more which Ryan clocked as his eyes flickered down.

Mr Biggs chuckled "Sassy one i think you have met your match son.." Ryan eyes widened a shot his father a look.

"son..nie boy?" he said sheepishly. Ryan just rolled his eyes  and looked back down to wear he thought i was but i had silently moved to the other side of Mr Biggs's desk. he spun around the room in confusion when he spotted me he playfully narrowed his eyes i just shrugged like i had causal walked away and he didn't notice instead of using my cat woman slow-mo walk. yes i have named it. By this time the room had filled up with people all taking about what happened in the all i just ignored them and turned to look at the hottie i mean teacher. "where should i sit" i quizzed trying not to get flustered when he looked me dead in the eye, is facial expressions were welcoming and warm but his eyes were cold like they died along time ago.

"you can next my mean Ryan if you like" he said winking mischievously. i rolled my eyes and chucked my thousand dollar bag under the table like it was trash. i saw a few girls eyes actually feeling up with tears looking like i was torturing the person they loved the most. i mean dude, its a just a bag?

Luke and Justin strolled into the room like they owned the place with their smug yes-i'm-hot-so-deal with it faces. when they saw a empty seat next to me they both raced over. Luke got their first and stuck his tongue out to a groaning Justin. Mr Biggs smirked at me impressed that i had yet to swoon at the fact i was sandwiched between both of his very hot twin sons.

the class dragged at little, i didn't hear a word about his theory on advance trig. i was just looking for any nervous behaviour or ticks. who was i kidding this man was a trained spy. bred to lie. ha rhymes i think?.

i was just sitting there with a bored expression when i felt Ryan's arm snake over the back of the chair but the hilarious thing was Luke did it at exact same time. when their arms collided they glared at each other both pulling their arms back to their desks with a huff.

after that was lunch, but i decided to take the rest of the day off to report back to headquarters. i strutted out to my car. i was searching for the keys in the black whole that was this dumb hand bag when someone grabbed my hips and flung me over their shoulder.  i shrieked, and pretended to struggle while screaming very colourful words that would make the Pope's ears bleed ,however i knew i could  decapitate them with the straps of my hand bag at any given moment but i didn't know who it was yet i could be Ryan or Luke probably Justin. i was carried into a  dark room and plonked onto a chair and someone tied my hands behind it. then the lights flicked on and 4 people stood in front of me all men by the looks of it. they were all dressed in black and clown masks on... yep i did say clown masks like the ones out of cliché horror movies with the honky red noses and everything.

i took one looked at their appearance and burst out laughing. the person who was in charge cocked his head in confusion obviously thinking i was mad. " clown masks ?" i said once i'd calmed down. the man or boy whatever he was took a step forward and knelt down to be eye level with me. i looked into eyes the only thing that was cut out of the mask. the other thing that gave me a clue to who he was. it took me 2 seconds to figure out who the masked man was.

oh shit.



tell your friends!

sorry is i made any mistakes not good at editing!



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