Yep I'm Utterly Screwed

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As I took off down the road I took out about 12 cars with me but I didnt care, getting back was the most important thing now. 

Everything seemed brighter and louder outside, it kind of spun and twirled in different directions they must have had me hooked up to some kind of energy booster in the hospital, to be honest I felt high. At first glance in the rear view mirror, seeing a black SUV tailing me I thought I was seeing things, but no someone was following me, brilliant.

I yanked the steering wheel side ways, sending the abulence screeching down a alley way leading to another road, my body clearly wasnt ready for this move and screaming in pain, my faced scrunched up I continued to drive. I dont know if you've ever been in a car chase which involved a serial killer in a black SUV an abulence driven by a heaverly sidated spy speeding down a 2 meter wide alley way. Its not as fun as it sounds.

But as predicted they followed, yep I'm screwed.

"Think, come on ,THINK!" I frantically swepped my eyes over the front of the car searching for any kind of telephone. "Gocha" I grabbed the cell phone one hand still on the wheel, however not without scrapping against the wall taking out the side mirror, and dropping it.

 "Crap" I steadied the car, before tugging the steering wheel as far left as I could exiting the alley way and racing down a road, lit up by street lights and house lights.

Fumberling for the cell phone again, praying it wasnt password protected i fliped it open, glancing in the mirror the unfriendly looking car behind was still, speeding towards me. Dialling the first number i could think of i held the phone to my ear with a shaking hand. Mumberling 'pick up, pick up'.

"Hello, evie's flower sevice how may we brighten up your day?" said the voice on the other line

"No time for all that protocal bullshit, I'm so drugged up I couldnt even tell you my own name. I need a license plate check now" I was strugglerling to catch up with my own breath intake now, my heart was starting to burn in my chest, from the mirror i could see the SUV getting closer, i stepped on it.

"....." there was silence on the end on the line, jesus christ i could be dying here, the presidant could be dying in my arms whispering about how he had sold third world secrets to Bin Ladin and all theyre worried about is the fact i cant have some ridiculois 20 miniute conversation with them about daisys and roses before they send help.

"What is your location?"the voice said more serious this time

"How the hell am I supposed to know did you not hear the part about me being drugged up!" i signed rubbing my forehead, pushing my foot all the way down on the excelerator, swerving down another alley way.

"what is the number plate?" she said at last,  I repeated the number plate again to her, and heard the tapping of the key board.

"well,Is it a govermement car?"i hissed the drugs were wearing off now and the pain in my limbs and neck had increase, i swerved out of the alley smashing into a nearby car, and sped up causing the tires to burn.

"No, its a civilian vehcile" the voice sounded, causing my eyebrows to scrunch up, a civilian? i hung up the phone, and slammed down on the brakes. The SUV swerved sideways to avoid smashing into the back of the ambulence. I reached into the glove compartment in search of some sort of weapon, finally pulling out a tazzar gun? Sweet.

I popped the glove compartment closed and exited the car, slowly sliding around the length of the car just enough to see the driver, but he wasnt there. Crap

A loud noise, sounded behind me, i jumped up, spinning around, finger on the trigger i aimed it at the dark outline of the driver, who had just stepped into the glare of the street light, illuminaring their face.

"Mr Biggs?"


ohhh dun, dun ,dun

okay guys its hard but you have offically made me speechless

over 6K reads ahhhhhhhhh!!!

thank you so much for all your messages encouraging me to update love you guys

-dedicated to haliixx for being the first one to message me telling me to update, it means so much you like my story

spread the word honeytrap is back

lolly x

p.s  i am awful at proof reading and spelling and such, so let me know if i make any mistakes it would really help

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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