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THE STAGE WAS fairy big and I couldn't help but feel a buzz of excitement. I couldn't wait to see what kind of show they'd put on. And it was then that a feeling hit me like a tonne of bricks. A wave of recognition washed over me as I realised that this, this is where I'm supposed to be. Here with my friends at a shitty pub in a little town.

     The lads walked out onto the stage, ready to perform to the pub full of no more than fifty people. "This songs called asa," Van spoke into his mic, "when our minds corrupt she'll ring me up and say..."

     This band was destined for greater things and I knew it. This was never how it was going to be. Someday I'll be standing in a sea of 60 000 people watching my friends play their music in a stadium. And my heart will feel like it's going to burst because I'll be so proud that words can't even explain the feeling. And then, I'll close my eyes and think back to this very moment; where I'm sat in a bar with fifty other people watching Van go crazy on stage, and I'll think I always knew they'd make it.

     I cannot describe the feelings rushing through me at this moment. Even though I've only known the lads for two days, it's felt like an eternity. I never want to forget these amazing people and even when I leave, I want us to stay in contact. Because I honestly can't picture my life without these five idiots.


     After the performance Van approached me and dragged me into a room behind the little stage. He was sweaty and sticky but I don't think I've ever seen a more happier person. "You guys were fucking class!" I exclaim entering the room. "I mean seriously, don't forget me when you're famous rock stars."

"Wouldn't dream of it love." Van replies wrapping a towel around his neck.

"You fucking smashed it on the drums Bob," I say turning to him, "like where did you learn to do that?! You're fucking ace!"

"Thanks Jess," he replies, a small smile on his face, "that really means a lot."

"And you two!" I exclaim dramatically looking to bondy and Ben, "teach me your ways!" I playfully get down on my knees raising my arms up in the air.

The two of them simply laugh telling me to "get the fuck up off the floor". Which I did, after I did a little bow at them.

"I'm really going to miss you guys." I sighed sadly, not really registering that I had just spoken that aloud. And it was true because I would miss them. Our lives had become interwoven over the past days and I don't know how I'm going to handle not being around them. Because I didn't pack up everything to just stay in one place. I wanted to visit my cousins in Manchester and go to London and go crazy at Glastonbury. I was never meant to stay here.

"What do you mean?" Van replied swiftly.

"I mean, you guys are going to be going on tour and I'm leaving soon." I tell him, my eyes becoming glossy at the thought.

"Well, we'll just have to stay in contact then, won't we?" Bondy suggested. I handed my phone out between the lads to get their numbers before sending them a text so they'd have mine.

"Promise you'll keep me updated?" I ask, a hopeful glint in my eye. "And promise that we'll try to meet up with each other often?"

"Of course my darling." Van replied wrapping me up in his arms.


exams are starting real soon so I decided to post another chapter for you my lovelies. i would like to apologise in advance for the more than likely lack of updates in the coming weeks but I promise once summer starts I'll be back writing.

thank you so so so much for all of the kindness I've received towards this book, i really appreciate it and it means the world to me that people like the story.

stay sexy xxxxx

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