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IF THIS WERE any other situation, right now I'd be saying how nervous I was to meet Van's mum and dad. The fact that I had already met them allowed me to be more relaxed about the whole thing. Van was practically bouncing off the walls, he just could not wait to introduce me as his girlfriend. I was flattered to say the least. I don't think anyone had ever been this proud of me.

     Van loved to take me out whenever he had the chance. Sometimes we went to fancy places and sometimes we didn't. I constantly told Van that just being with him was more than enough but he was stubborn. His excuse was always the same: 'I need to show off my girl'. Eventually I gave up trying to change his mind and just went along with it.

     I was currently sat in the middle of The Olympia Theatre watching the boys do their sound check. It was weird sitting here, with only myself in the audience. Words couldn't describe how I had felt when the lads had sold out this place. This was one of my favourite music venues when I had still lived in Dublin. I had been here in numerous occasions to see various artists and every time was a memorable night.

     "Darlin' I'm done for once...." Van began the opening line to Rango, one of my many favourite songs of theirs. I loved all of the songs if I'm honest.

     "You see Jessie she's got to wait, until she gets you on your own...." I heard a laugh and the music stopped after that line.

     "That's right McCann! Just you wait until I get you on your own!" I shouted up at him as he continued to laugh.

     "Sorry babe but it had to be done." He replied shrugging his shoulders. I laughed and shook my head as they started again, singing the proper words this time.


     "Glad you could make it!" Van smiles as he opens the dressing room door to reveal Bernard and Mary.

     "Sorry we took so long, traffic is mental around here." Bernard sighed taking off his coat. They both greeted the rest of the band while Van grabbed my hand and brought me over to them.It was quite adorable how he wanted to re introduce me as his girlfriend.

     "Mam, dad, this is Jes-" Van was cut of by Mary.

     "Son don't be silly, we know who Jess is." She smiled brightly at me, to which I returned the gesture.

     "See if you had let me finish ma, I would've told you that this is my girlfriend Jess." Van rolled his eyes.

     "I told you love, didn't I tell you they'd end up together?" Mary exclaimed swatting her husband. "I saw the look in Van's eye as soon as he saw Jess and I knew."

     I stood there with an amused smile as I watched the whole scene unfold. Mary continued to tell Bernard how right she was, while Van stood there blushing like crazy.

Mary, Bernard and I watch the gig from one of the balconies, how ironic. I don't think I'll ever grow tired of watching Van up on stage. His presence up there is overwhelming and it is so obvious that up on stage is where he is meant to be. I love how Van thanks the audience after every song, he's so humble and adorable. One of the many things I love about him.


I love Van.


sorry it's incredibly short my loves, I just thought this would be an appropriate point to end this chapter at.

stay sexy xxx

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