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THE DRIVE TO Manchester is surprisingly fast. But maybe that was because I was having far to much fun singing terribly to my favourite songs with Van. We've such a similar taste in music and I love it. My other boyfriend never liked the same things I did, maybe that was why things worked out. But it's completely different with Van, I can talk about my favourite songs and he will know exactly what I'm talking about.

Van and Larry had returned to Chester two days ago after playing in Reading. We decided to take a day or two to relax before we ventured out to Manchester. I had taken Van up on his offer of staying in the cottage while he was gone. I'll admit I was a tad but lonely, but at least I had Mary the dog to keep me company.

My days were spent in my pyjamas watching movies from Van's large collection and listening to records from his equally large collection of LP's. It was a relaxing couple of days that I enjoyed thoroughly. I had been travelling around non stop for the past few months so it was nice to take a breather.

     Dakota by Stereophonics began playing and I let out a little squeal. "Not gonna lie, when I hear this song I kinda feel like the one."

     Van let out a laugh shaking his head at me. "I watched them at Reading and I was standing next to Kelly's wife, and when he was singing I turned to her and said "I think I'm the one."

     "You did not say that to her!" I exclaim widening my eyes.

     "I did!"


"That house there." I point to the last one on the row. "That's their place."

Van drives towards the house and memories come rushing back of all the times I spent here. This was one of my favourite places to be. I had so much fun with my cousin whenever I stayed here and other than Ryan, I'm definitely closest to my cousin Jack. It's funny how easy it is to get on with people.

     I never thought I'd get on as well as I did with Larry or any of the other lads. I'm glad I do though, I'd hate to be going out with Van and have his friends hate me. That's not the way a relationship should be, and if it is, you're not doing it right.

The next thing I know I'm knocking on the front door. I'll admit I'm a tad bit anxious, I haven't seen my aunt and uncle since my 18th. It seems like that's the last time I saw anybody from my family. Van takes my hand in his just as the door opens to reveal my auntie Sylvia.

Sylvia was a skinny woman of 45 with short brown hair and freckles dotted along her face, much like myself. She was an amazingly good cook and always had the best jokes to tell. "Jess!" She smiles brightly. "You're here!" She brings me in for a hug.

"It's been too long, Syl." I reply once we pull apart.

"And who might this young man be?" My auntie raises her eyebrow.

     "Sylvia meet my boyfriend Van." I introduce the two.


Sylvia and Van really hit it off. One of the first questions she asked him was what he did for a living, which then grew into a full blown conversation about music and bands. Syl always did have the best taste in music. My cousin Jack and his girlfriend Katie came around later on. We had a great time together and it felt nice to introduce Van to more of my family.

That night as we readied ourselves for bed I couldn't help but notice how my stomach had gotten incredibly sore. I paid no attention to it, brushing it off as cramps and that my period had just decided to come a bit early. Although in the back of my mind I knew that wasn't it.

"You alright love? You look like you're in pain." Van asked as he hopped into the bed next to me.

"Mhmm." I replied as I snuggled into him. "Stomach is sore s'all." With that he gently placed his hands on my tummy and started rubbing it softly. I don't know when I fell asleep but the last thing I remember is Van singing sweetly into my ear.


bit of a shite chapter if I do say so myself but it's an update all the same. hopefully the next one will be better xs

Stay sexy xx

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