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EVENTUALLY I PULLED up to the little white cottage. Van was standing at the door, cigarette in hand and I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful sight. He looked so carefree and relaxed and I just wished that I could be like that. Even if the world was ending, Van would still be calm and collected.

The cottage itself was old looking on the exterior. The moment I set my eyes on it I had fallen in love. It was quaint and small and gorgeous and I knew I'd love it. There was a little garden space at the front with wild daisies growing. I suddenly grew nostalgic thinking about the daisy chains I would make as a child.

I opened the car door and walked over to Van. "Hello!" I exclaimed happily as he took one last puff of his fag before putting it out with his shoe.

"Alright Jess!" He smiled brightly pulling me into a hug. "'Ave missed you." He spoke as I rested my head on his chest.

"Me too, Van. I missed you a lot." I say pulling away looking up at him.

"Well come on in love, Larry's just making some tea." He ushers me inside and immediately I'm hit with the smell of cigarettes and tea. The smell of Van.

"Jess! Long time no see!" Larry laughs loudly as Van leads me into the kitchen.

"Good to see you Larry." I reply smiling softly at him. And it was. Although I had spent more time texting Van than the other lads, I had missed the tremendously weird group chat conversations with the others.


     An hour later and this place already felt like home. It was weird how easy I had settled into the way things worked living with Van and Larry. I learned that they spent most of their time sitting on the kitchen counter smoking and talking about random things. I knew I'd fit right in.

     "So what's the plan after you play the festivals?" I asked as Van grabbed three beers from their fridge.

     "Well, we've got T in the Park, then Glastonbury, Reading and Leeds and then some other smaller festivals. Then we've got a couple of months off before we head to America." Van replied taking a swig of his beer.

     "What festival are you most looking forward to?" I ask the two of them.

     "Probably Reading," Van replied while Larry said he was excited for Glastonbury.

     "Well I must say I'm disappointed," I say feigning sadness, "I mean I thought you'd be more excited for Glasto, considering I'll be there." I shrug nonchalantly.

     "What?" Van asks, not really believing me.

     "I was hoping I could hitch a ride to Glastonbury with you's." I say. And the next thing I know Van is spinning me around in his arms laughing loudly.

"I really hope you're not having a mess." He exclaims as he slows down and both of my feet touch the ground.

"I wouldn't lie." I say breathlessly brushing my hair out of my eyes. It feels like it's just us two. Everything else seemed to just disappear. Van was looking at me like he'd never seen me before. Like he had been walking the desert and I was the first drop of water.

/van mccann/

I WAS UNBELIEVABLY happy when Jess said she'd be attending Glasto. I had grown incredibly attached to her over the past months and I was planning on never letting her go. I must admit, I often think back to that night when we kissed. It makes me wonder what it would be like to do that to her every day.

I really like her and I've gotten to know so much about her. I was beyond excited when she said she was coming to Chester. I mean, what were the odds she'd be heading my way? I couldn't wait to see her, it's been so long since I've been in her presence and I missed it. As soon as I gave her directions to the cottage, I stood outside waiting in anticipation for her arrival.

Eventually I put Jess back down on the ground after spinning her around for a few minutes. I probably would've puked if I didn't. "I really hope you're not having a mess." I say.

     "I wouldn't lie." She replies moving the hair out of her eyes. She's breathless and her hair is a mess but I don't think I've ever seen anything more beautiful. She's looking up at me through her thick eyelashes and I'm staring into her eyes like she's the first human I've ever met.

     The moment is intense. It feels like I'm on top of the world, like I can do anything. As I slowly inch closer I begin to forget that Larry is still in the room. But just as I'm about to press my lips to Jess' he makes himself known by letting out a terribly fake cough.

     I'm brought back to reality as I slowly step away from Jess. "Well, I can't wait for you to see us play." I whisper.

     "Me neither."


sorry it's been so long! but exams are over! do you know what that means? more updates!

so anyway I hope you liked this chapter my lovelies.

on a different note, how fab is the ride? I'm in love with it! oxygen reminds me so much of oasis, that's such a tune and I adore anything and Heathrow. the whole album really.

Stay sexy xxxx

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