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//sorry for such a late update my lovelies, I've been trying to perfect this chapter for the past week and I feel like this is as good as it's going to get. It's been an incredible journey and I hope you enjoy this chapter, I will post the epilogue sometime tomorrow. Stay sexy xx //

IT WAS SURPRISINGLY EASY to get time off work. My boss gave me two weeks off which I was immensely thankful for. As soon as I mentioned Van she told me to take all the time I need. I guess she had a soft spot for him. Megan was going to come with me but unfortunately she had a family emergency and was unable to do so.

I had never realised how long the journey to Chicago was. It was boring and incredibly tiresome. Not to mention the fact that there was fuck all space. It was seriously cramped on that plane. Words could not explain how thankful I was when I stepped off the flight. I almost wanted to kiss the ground.

I had not checked in a bag, I just brought a duffle bag with enough clothes in it to last me the two weeks. I was never one to travel heavy. According to Benji, Larry and himself were picking me up. I exited the airport quickly and searched for them.

They stood leaning against a white car with a sign reading 'jessie'. I let out a little laugh and shot them the finger as I approached them.

     "I don't really appreciate the sign lads." I tell them shaking my head.

     "Eh, it's the best we could come up with." Larry smirked which caused me to smack the back of his head.

     The lads were staying at a hotel close enough to the airport. It only took about twenty minutes to get there and for the entire ride I gawked out the window at the scenery. It was snowing but it was beautiful.

     "So lass, how long are ha staying for?" Larry questioned looking at me through the rear view mirror.

      "Two weeks." I replied.

      "Class! So we'll have you 'til the end of the tour." Larry smiled brightly.

     "Can't get rid of me that easily mate." I laughed.

     Eventually we pulled up to the hotel. The lobby was quiet, nobody around but the receptionist. We took the lift up the the sixth floor and Ben directed me to Van's door. 206. I stood outside it nervously for about five minutes before I realised that I really had nothing to be nervous about. If anything, I should be majorly excited.

     I knock on the door three times. "Yo Van open up! It's MTV Cribs."

     Not even two seconds later the door swings open and before I know it I'm wrapped in Van's arms once again. I breathe in his scent and it feels like he never left. He keeps hold of me tightly as he walks backwards and shuts the door with his foot. And then his lips are on mine and I forget momentarily how to breathe.

     I melt under his touch and I wonder how I'd managed to go so long without Van's kisses.

     "Jess, what're you doing here?" He questions once we break apart.

     "Surprise?" Is all I can manage to say in my flustered state. His face then turns serious and I raise an eyebrow.

     "Look, if you're here to break up with me, I just-" he starts. Looking anywhere but at me.

    I try to take his hand. "Van I-" he pulls away.

    "No just listen. I love you, okay? I fucking love you and your weird habits and your abnormal sleeping position. I love your blue eyes and the freckles on your face. I fucking love every detail about you and I can't imagine myself being with anyone else." He says. All in one breath, might I add.

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