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THE BAR WAS fairly packed. It was a nice little place that reminded me of my local pub back home. Like the pound this bar had an upstairs with a dancefloor. Megan and I had dragged the lads up there not long after we had arrived. What can I say? I dance when I'm drunk.

     I introduced Megan to the rest of the band and they all got along great. I did notice that she seemed to be hanging close to Larry ever since we got here though, which was adorable. I was on my fourth rum and coke when one of my favourite songs came on. I would've dragged Megan up to dance if she was not in a conversation that looked pretty intense with Larry.

     "Van. Get up. Now. You have to dance with me." I spoke sternly as the beat for jet's 'are you gonna be my girl' started playing.

     "I don't dance love." He stated.

     "I don't give a fuck if you've got two broken legs, you're getting up to dance." I downed the rest of my drink before grabbing his arm and leading him to the dancefloor.

     We danced like maniacs to the song and I completely lost myself. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Van's eyes were sparkling and I wanted to live in this moment forever. I hope I can still remember this feeling in the morning.

The song ended and the intro to a slower song started playing. I didn't know the name of it but I told Van that we could stop dancing now. He shook his head wrapping his arms around my waist. I was startled at first but I eventually weaved my arms around his neck as we swayed.

     "You're gorgeous, I'd do anything for you." Van mouthed the words to the song looking down at me. There were little beads of sweat trickling down his forehead and some of his hair had fallen out of the gel. But in that moment, Van had never looked more amazing. So carefree and comfortable with himself.


After dancing for a while longer I decided to step outside for a bit to get some fresh air. I stood with my back pressed against the wall letting the fresh air cool me down. At this stage, it was more than likely that I had sweated my make up off. My hair was more than a little frizzy and sticking to my forehead. But for some reason, I didn't care. I felt like I was on top of the world.

I was interrupted from whatever I had been thinking about by the door opening. I turned my head to see it was Van. He didn't say anything, he simply took out a cigarette and lit it taking the spot next to me.

"Can I tell you something Jess?" He asks after a moment of silence.

"Of course." I reply facing him expectantly.

"I can't seem to get you out of my head." He says after a pull from his fag. "Ever since I first laid eyes on you, you haven't left my mind."

"Van, you're drunk." I wanted so badly to believe what I was hearing, but I couldn't. After all, Van probably wouldn't remember this conversation in the morning.

"I may be a little drunk, but that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm saying." He shook his head at my statement. "And I'm tired of pretending." And with that he presses his lips to mine.

It feels like the first time, all those months ago, and it also feels completely different. And I don't feel fireworks or explosions because it's wet and sloppy but it's also beautiful in its own way. And if this is what kissing Van feels like, I don't ever want to do anything else.

We both pull away and I don't know how much time has passed. Not that I really care because right now I feel like I'm floating on a cloud. I never want to come down from this high.

We're both slightly breathless and Van's looking me dead in the eyes with the hint of a smile on his lips. And I know I'm blushing scarlet under his gaze so I bring my hands up to my cheeks but he gently pulls them away telling me not to hide.

And now I understand what Megan meant when she said Van looks at me like I put the stars in the sky, because that's exactly how I'm looking at him now. I'm looking at him like he makes the sun shine during the day and the moon at night. And it's such a foreign feeling that I'm almost scared but I also can't get enough of it.

I never felt like this with my last boyfriend and I can't help but feel relieved because I only want to feel like this with Van. I don't even know what this feeling is but I can't help but wonder if this is what falling in love feels like. Because if it is, I never want to stop falling.

"What does this mean?" I ask him after some time. He has his arm around my shoulder. This is what home feels like and I never want to forget it.

"It means; that as long as you'll have me, I'm yours."


shoutout time y'all!

thank you for all the support I've gotten so far, words can't explain how grateful I am.
this chapter is dedicated to CherryGallagher  ilovebandsifellapart  Giraffedentist Gh0st_G1rl for being fab.

Stay sexy xx

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