Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello to my fist K-POP Fanfiction! I really hope you enjoy it. I really want to thank my big sister (snowflakesonmylaptop) for translating my Story in english. Have fun reading Saa*

Never ever in a million years would I've imagined to redeem this silly promise. It's embarassing as it shows how unattractive I am for theother gender. It was a dumb promise and I felt horrible, 'cause Ididn't intended to break promises.

As silly as it was.

Atleast I wasn't alone in this silly, childish situation as my best childhood friend Kim Jongin was kind of part in this promise.

I haven't seen Jongin since years and I didn't knew if he was the same dorky boy he was when we were children. But this secret would berevealed on my twenty-second birthday.

I brushed my fingers through my long, light brown hair while closing the bottoms of my coat. I was on my way through the city center to meet up with Jongin. We wanted to celebrate my birthday.

I hid my face in my scarf and walked towards the restaurant Jongin recommended. In front of the building was a tall young man and I wasn't sure if it was my childhood friend Jongiin, but when he started walking towards me I recognized his round face and his smile.

Itwas the same dorky smile he had since he was a little boy.

"Hyuna-ah!"He smiled coming closer. "I almost didn't recognise you!"He hugged me, as if we never been apart after all those years. I blushed at the sudden skinship. "Same goes to you." I smiled. "The last time I've seen you, I was taller." I laughed and watched his moving his hand through his hair.

We entered the restaurant and Jongin lead me to our table. I slid out of my coat and took off the scarf. I looked up and saw Jongin hiding his chuckle behind his hand. "I never thought you would've kept this ring." He said pointing towards the necklace that was dangling around my neck. The charm was a yellow ring made out of plastic. I took him in my hand.

"Someonetold me to just take it off when I marry." I said, cocking an eyebrow and looking at Jongin. "It was part of that stupid promise, we made up." I sighed and remembered the day Jongin and I made this crazy promise.

"Hyuna? You're the coolest girl I know." The small boy shooted a toothless grin towards the girl with the plaits. "When we're this age" He pointed towards his paper, were he drew a twenty-two, "and aren't married we have to marry each other."Jongin said and the little girl nodded. We shook our hands and the promise was created. The next day Jongin appeared with a little plastic ring in an awful yellow colour and the little girl wore it everyday. When it started to be too small for her finger she startedwearing it around a silver necklace.

Jongin shook his head before taking the menu and ordered for the both of us.

My tummy growled, when the waitress arrived with my Kimchi and I started eating it happily, blowing my cheeks and doing crazy little aegyo. I felt Jongin's eyes on me but we kept eating quiety. We both were in thoughts. After all this birthday had a big meaning for the both of us. We were both twenty-two and not married. If he would stick to his promise, it would mean that we would be a married couple soon.

After the waiter came and took our plaits away, Jongin took something out ofthe pocket of his coat. I watched him with eagle eyes. He was very attractive, but was his personality the same as the Jongin I knew from my childhood?

"I think it's time for your birthday present." He stated and caught me off guard. "Present? Jongin-ah, we haven't seen us for ages,why do you-" I gulped when I saw the small black box he was setting between us on the table. "That's not what I think it is.Is it?" I asked and he laughed.

"Idon't think it's appropriate to tell your parents you're engaged with a seventeen year old plastic ring." He smiled and I took the little box and opened it.

A filigree silver ring was setted on a dark blue cushion and a round diamond was sparkling on top of the ring. "Omo, it's beautiful."I sighed and looked up, frowning. "Jongin-ah... This must've been so expensive!" I said and looked back at the engagement ring. "A friend helped me picking it. I didn't wanted it to be aburden. May I?" He asked and took the ring out of the box. It looked tiny in Jongin's manly hands.

Hetook my hand carefully and placed the ring on my ring finger. "It's beautiful." I sighed, while my heart started beating faster atJongin's romantic act. I looked into my childhood friend's eyes.

As our eyes meet, a bright smile spread across his lips and I felt myself blushing.

Now it was official... I would marry Kim Jongin, my childhood friend and famous singer/dancer. And this ring would remember me about it. I gulped. "W-What are we going to do next?" I asked and bit my bottom lip. "We only have to announce it." He said simply and sipped on his water. I cocked an eyebrow. "Jongin-ah! We can't just blurt it out like 'Hey, we promised each other to marry seventeen years ago and now it's finally time!'" I blurted out and Jongin chuckled.

I relaised how rude I said it and bowed a little bit. I was still worried about this whole marriage-thing.

"We have to tell them. I'm not a man to run away and get married in ashabby chapel in Las Vegas. And I don't like lying to my parents and the company." He stated and I nodded. He was as unsure as I was. Was it the right thing to marry?

Ididn't even know him that well... People change over the years andJongin was a popular Idol and I had no idea if he was still the sameboy, he was seventeen years ago. Still... He was the only one I could imagine a marriage with. Even if I wasn't in love with him.

"Don't talk about that now." Jongin said and smiled. "Let's go and grab some cake. It's your birthday, after all."

• ••

I walked through my room, like a tiger in it's cage, with my phone on my ear. Jongin was on the other side and we were talking about our engagement. "We have to tell them today, Hyuna." He said and I bit my bottom lip. "I have to go back to Seoul in two days and we have to get that in dry towels so we can start planning  everything else."

Icould hear his anxiousness through the phone and sighed. He was making the situation much worse than it was. He sounded like a whiny little girl.

"Okay,okay." I sighed. "You're invited to dinner after all. Bu tyou have to understand me as well, Jongin-ah. You know my parents and I am afraid what they will think about this silly promise and the engagement."

He moaned and I rolled my eyes. "My parents surely aren't excited that I marry you and not the love of my life." He stated and I bit my lip. That hurted. I was so close to shout a sassy comeback but I just pouted and tried to forgot what he just said.

"See you later, then." I said quickly and hung up, when I felt a lump in my throat and felt the first tears on my cheek. I took a deepbreath and slapped my cheeks. I could get divorced when I didn't want to be his wife...

My parents always wanted the best for me, so they want me to marry a man who I love. But they were very traditional and wanted a son-in-law who would get paid well. Jongin would get their attention with that.He was one of EXO's singers after all.

The doorbell rang and I fixed my hair and my dress before running downstairs and opening the door to our guests. Jongin's parents smiled and showered me with compliments, while hugging me before they walked inside and greeted my parents. I looked at Jongin and hugged him quickly, even if the pain of the words he said earlier were still in my head.

"Let's go." He whispered and let go off me to follow his parents into our dining room.

He was feeling unsure as well and I took a deep breath and closed the front door and sat down at the dining table, while my Eomma was grabbing the food with the help of my Appa.

While we were dining Jongin was looking at me from time to time. Even a blind man would've realised that me and Jongin were keeping a secret.

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