Chapter 10

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Jongin and I weren't ready for the visit of my parents. Both of them believed our little love lie and it should stay like this.

We decided to decorate the walls with pictures of us and I had a little surprise in the bedroom for Jongin. While shopping with Yeonhee and Seonyee a few weeks ago I found two cute picture frames. One in mint green the other in pastel blue. I had bought both of them and printed out both of our sleeping pictures and put them in the frames.

The picture were Jongin was sleeping was on my night stand and the one where I am sleeping was on his.

I had also put some pictures of the wedding into frames. One of my favourites was the one were Jongin and I posed with Yeonhee, Seonyee, Sehun and Chanyeol and I like the picture because Yeonhee glared at Chanyeol with tomato red cheeks.

Yeonhee was acting like a clumsy animal whenever Chanyeol was in her near distance. But I thought it was cute.

I hung the picture in the livingroom when I heard the front door opening.

"I'm home!" Jongin moaned and I realised he was tired. He went to the cloakroom and I followed him and patted his shoulders. "That exhausting?" I asked and he nodded. "I have something that'll cheer you up. I took the day to decorate the house." I smiled and Jongin shook his head. "Diligent as always." He smiled and sat down on the couch.

The three dogs ran up to his owner and jumped on his lap. I laughed at the sight of this. "They missed you today." I said and sat down next to Jongin patting Monggu's head. "We should hang up a picture with them as well." Jongin said and took out his phone and opened the camera. I moved closer to him and the dogs. The dogs and I looked in the camera and Jongin and I smiled brightly. "Send me the picture so I can print it tomorrow." I smiled looking over Jongin's shoulder at the picture. Jongin nodded.

After the fight we had we understood each other way better.

• • •

It was the day that I didn't really wanted to happen. I missed my parents, but I was afraid that our lie would be opened to the world. We didn't really behave like a newly wed couple - our sleeping habit was, 'cause I started to cuddle onto Jongin as often as I could.

"Hyuna, c'mere!" Jongin called and I jogged, with a bowl in my hand, into the living room. I gad to grin at the sight of Jongin. He stood with tilted head infront of our picture with the dogs and scratched his nape. "Is this straight?" He asked and I laughed at his question. He seemed even more nervous than I was.

"That's okay. Eomma won't say anything. She might be a perfectionist but she will make an exception for you. She loves you." I told my husband and he nodded. "Me on the other hand have to prove evrything to her. That's why I have to hoover right now. Could you maybe do the dishwasher?" I asked and pouted. Jongin laughed and walked into the kitchen. Only when I heard him making noises in the kitchen I went to get the hoover. I hoovered the floor and then Jongin and I wiped the dust while singing and dancing together.

Chores were so much nicer when you would do it with a person you like.

"I'm going to pick them up from the station. It's a calm day." Jongin said and I nodded. "Take the kids." I said and whistled so the three poodles would come. They waited - tail wagging - for their leashes before Jongin left the house with them.

Not an hour later I heard Jongin opening the front door. I was preparing the food when I heard Jongin laughing, followed by the laugh of a man I heard since I was very small. My Appa! They're here! I thought and my heart beated quicker than usual.

"Hyuna, we're home!" Jongin called and I heard how he tried to hide his nervousness, which was pretty cute. I slapped my cheeks and came out of the kitchen to greet my parents. Jongin took the leashes off the dogs and they ran into the living room. Then he walked towards me and pecked my cheek. "Play along." He whispered and I nodded. When he let go off me my cheek still tingled from the touch of his lips.

It was a nice tingling though.

There was an uncomfortable silence between my parents and us. No one dared to say something. It seemed like my Mother was waiting for something. "Why don't you take a seat in the living room? I'm helping Hyuna with the tea." Jongin said and lead my parents into the living room. Like always Jongin took the lead. "I hope the dogs won't ditrub you. I can also bring them in the yard." I heard Jongin saying when I poured tea into the cups with shivering hands.

My mother laughed. "Don't worry. Everything is just fine. Hyuna is minding the house perfectly. It's very neat and clean." I heard my mum and gulped. Jongin entered the kitchen after a while and I took a deep breath. "I can't do this." I said and he sighed as well. "I feel like a fool." He said before taking the tray.

"I already apologize for all the rubbish I am going to say in the next few hours." Jongin said and I nodded. "Same goes for me." we gave us a High Five and went to my parents whom were waiting in the living room.

My hands were shivering when I sat the tray on the table and handed my parents their cups. I saw how far away Jongin was sitting away from me. When my parents weren't looking I moved closer to him and setted my hand on his thigh. He tensed up and I grinned and let my hand on his thigh. Jongin was a clever guy and handed me my cup so I had to take my hand away from him.

"How was your trip?" Jongin asked and smiled at my parents. They told us about the train trip and we could breathe. "Hyuna, I would like to know what you would do the whole day." Appa started. "Your husband is not always home due to work." I bit my lip. There was something I was thinking about after mine and Jongin's fight. I also talked with Yeonhee and Seonyee. Jongin would either be happy or would think I would joke when I would say my next words. I took a deep breath.

"I informed myself about study programmes in Seoul."

"That's very nice, Hyuna!" Appa said and laughed. "It's a surprise to Jongin." I smiled. "I talked with Seonyee and Yeonhee about it." Appa nodded and I felt relieved. But when I caught my Mothers stare I felt a pain in my chest. I gulped.

"What's wrong Eomma?" I asked and my Mother took a deep breath. "I think it's nice that you think about stuff like that. But Hyuna, what's about family planning?" She asked and I coughed on my tea. Jongin stared at my Mother - in shock.

"Family. When do you think about getting children." My mother repeated and Jongin began to cough. "C-Children?" he asked and I patted Jongin's back, while my mother just nodded.

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