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I still remember how I won the plastic ring for Hyuna in the arcade. I actually meant to get the red ring but fate slapped me in the face and gave me a green ring. I tried ten times to get the red one, but after the tenth try my pocket money was all gone and I went home crying with a green, two blue, two yellow rings, three purple, a black one and one in orange. I decided for the orange one because it was closes to the red one. I'd never forget Hyuna's face when she saw the ring and promised to wear it forever.

Now, years later, she was cuddled up on my chest and sleeped. On her finger wasn't the orange plastic ring anymore. On her finger were two silver rings, her engagement ring and her wedding ring. It made me extremly happy that I was the one who gave her both of the rings.

I'll spent a lifetime with her.

Time was passing by and like that another year passed. And another one. Hyuna and I were a good team but I was still heartbroken whenever i had to leave Hyuna alone. She said she was okay, but I knew how much she disliked being alone.

∆ ∆ ∆

"Jagi!" I called into the garden, where Hyuna was laying in the grass and did nothing. She was useless when it was summer. "Ja-gi-ya!" I called again and heard her growling. I went to the door and handed her a watermelon. "Do you want some?" I asked and her face turned into a puppy face when she saw the melon. "Even if you look like Monggu, you have to get the melon yourself." I said teasingly. She grunted, stood up and skipped towards me taking the melon and moaning happily while biting into it.

"Do you know what day today is?" I asked and Hyuna looked at me, her eyes widened, her midn working. "No?" She said and grinned a rectangular smile. "Today is the day of the press conference." I said and Hyuna's eyes widened happily.

"That means you can wear your wedding ring even on stage?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Hyuna." Hyuna started giggling. "Shouldn't you get ready instead of feeding me with melon?" She asked and I nodded. "Yes, majayo. But it's so nice here." I pouted.

"Jongin, move your dancer bum inside and get ready." She grinned and pecked my cheek.

These small moments with Hyuna made me the happiest man on this earth and I still praised myself for the idea of marrying Hyuna when I was little.


A/N: Thank you for reading my fanficiton! This is my first K-Pop and my very first EXO fanfiction and I am pretty proud of the end.

Thanks to everyone who read, voted and commented! I was happy about every read.

A big thank you to my Unnie snowflakesonmylaptop for translating this story into english and made it readable for the whole world.

I hope we'll meet in another fanfiction!

- droolingeroge

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