Chapter 3

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Today is gonna be the day...

I was extremly nervous while I waswalking in my parents family mansion. Our photoshoot for the weddingpictures woud be soon and I still couldn't believe that I was aboutto marry. I still wasn't over the fact that I would marry Kim Jongin,also known as EXO's Kai. The western wedding ceremony was finished inless than half an hour.

I was already Jongin's wife. Legallywise.

But now it was time for the traditionalkorean wedding, my parents wanted.

I put my white wedding dress away, itwas simple and not at all attention seeking, and waited for my motherto help me in my Hanbok. She looked very happy, when she saw me inthe Hanbok.. „You are going to be a wonderful wife." Eomma saidand stroked my long ginger-brownish hair that was in a fancy bun. Ibit the insides of my cheeks and looked on the floor.

A knock startled me and I looked at thedoor. My mother opened the door and I saw the silk rug. It was timeto give the wooden ducks. Sehun was infront of the people, carryingthe ducks in his hands. He waited at the front of the rug and waitedto give the ducks to Eomma. The master of the ceremony accompaniedhim and begged for a minute of silence, before walking over the silkyrug to me and my mother.

Standing infront of me and Eomma, Sehunhanded the ducks to my mother – symbolising the loyalty Jonginswore to me. After Eomma got the ducks and brought them inside,Jongin and the others walked over to the house where the ceremonywould be held.

Shortly after the boys left, it wastime for the real wedding.

Jongin stood on the east side of thetable, while I was opposite of him on the west side of the table. Myheart raced like a racing car. I felt like I was about to faint, andthat even if I wasn't in love with Jongin.

The master of the ceremony said weshould bow and so we did. After that we walked over to the bowls andwere washing our hands. He looked at me, while doing that. He lookedas nervous as I was, but he was still able to smile from ear to ear.I shyly grinned in my husbands direction and washed my hands.

Now it was time for the part I fearedthe most. I practiced it so often and still fell everytime: the bows.

Thankfully Sun Hi and Yeonhee were onmy side. They smiled at me in an encoruraging way. I slowly sat downand then it happened. I fell on my bum. So much about a bow.

I blushed bright red and gulped. Thewedding guests laughed . A saying goes, that when the guests laugh ata wedding, the newly-weds would have a lot of luck in their life. Ihope that saying was true.

I still hoped that Jongin would dosomething embarassing as well, just so I wouldn't feel that bad.

With the help of my friends I tried thebow again and this time I did my two bows without anything silly. Nowit was Jongin's turn. While he was bowing, his hat fell off his head.The guests laughed again. I could hear Byun Baekhyun's loud laugh.Jongin gritted his teeth. I knew that he hated that hat from thebeginning. I pressed my lips together so I wouldn't laugh as well.

The master of the ceremony spoke hisblessing before we went to say our toastings.

The parents of the groom started andgave Jongin a cup of Soju. Then we bowed for them and repeated thisstep for my parents. At last Jongin and I filled the cups forourselfs. Nothing embarassing happened at this step of the wedding.

We bowed one last time infront of ourparents and our friends and then we did it. We made it.

Relief washed over Jongin's face and Irelaxed as well. We were now married. We were husband and wife.

I was Kim Jongins wife. I married anIdol.

The party was loud and after all theguests left, Jongin's parents handed us their personal weddingpresent. It was the key to a house that was owned by Jongin'sgrandparents. We looked at each other. Jongin grinned from ear to earand I bowed thankfully.

We were newly weds and owned a house. Iwidened my eyes at the thought of living with Jongin. I didn't evenknew him that well. Marrying is one thing, but living together?

After all the guests and our parentsleft, Jongin and I went to our new house and I was surprised when Isaw it.

„So... This is our house?" I askedwhile Jongin opened the door. The house was beautiful. It had modernfurniture and the two wooden ducks were on the living room table. Mymother was here already. I walked thtough the house, looking ateverything. Jongin and I really liked the house.

„Your parents have a good taste." Isaid and Jongin nodded. He seemed off.

We looked at eachother, when we reachedthe bedroom. I didn't knew how to express it, but it seemed like wehad to share the king sized bed. „W-We can... take turns?" Jonginsaid, after he saw my face. „Aniyo. It's big enough. We can shareit." I said and shook my shoulders. „I thought you were feelinguncomfortable about it. We don't know each other, after all." Hesaid and I shook my head. „We're married." I said and sat down onthe bed, carefully. The Hanbok was heavy.

„I'm going to let you change." Hesaid and left the room. I looked around the room and saw twosuitcases with my stuff. My mother probably packed my clothes and mystuff and brought it here.

After I got changed, Jongin and Ilooked at the rest of the giant house. We found a room for Jonginwith a soundbooth and a mirror wall so he could record songs andpractice dances and then we looked at the garden. It wasn't big, butyou could lay down in the grass and relax if you like.

I looked at Jongin. I still couldn'tbelieve that I was his legal wife now. I didn't live in Suncheonanymore. I was married and lived in Seoul. I shook my head, whenJongin's voice brought me back to reality.

„Hyuna-ah, come in. It's gettingcold." Jongin said and I turned around. That was what my futurelooked like. I smiled and walked over to him.

After we drank a cup of tea we went tobed. Jongin laid down and turned to the left side and closed his eyesimmediatley. I looked at my ring finger and looked at the simplegolden ring. My wedding ring.

The ring I was going to wear for therest of my life.

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