Chapter 2

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Jongin and I were quiet while our parents where talking about the newest technology of Samsung. After we finished our dinner I helped my Eomma cleaning the dishes and the table, while Appa was still talking to Jongin's father. Soon Jongin and I had to drop the bomb about our engagement and I felt anxious about it. I dried my hands and sighed  before following my mother into the living room, where Jongin was talking with the males and Jongin's mother was starting a conversation with my mother.

I sat down next to Jongin who looked at me, before returning his attention back to the males. I looked to my parents who were still caught up in their conversations. I looked at Jongin, but he was too interested in the conversation our fathers had. I rolled my eyes andnudged his shoulder.

He looked at me with a nervous look in his eyes - as if he knew what I was attempting too. He moved his hands through his hair. He was as nervous as I was. This was the moment we would drop the giant engagement bomb. Who wouldn't be nervous?

My heart started beating out of anxiety and I brushed my fingers through my hair and bit my lip. Jongin took a deep breath and coughed; gaining everyone's attention.

I felt my cheeks burning up and Jongin looked at me helpless. I nodded and I felt sick while my thoughts were going crazy right now. I felt like I was sweating out the atlantic ocean.

"We"Jongin started and I started to bite my bottom lip furiously. He nodded towards me and he took my hand. Now he was holding my super sweaty hand. But he was shivering. His hand was tightly grabbing on to mine. A bit too strong for my liking but I wasn't complaining.

He must be going crazy right now, I thought. His brown eyes were flickering through the room and I started to caress the back of his hand with my thumb. He pressed my hand tightly as a quiet Thank You.He looked at me short before looking towards our waiting parents.Were they so oblivious to what was happening right now?

Jongin took a deep breath and collected all of his courage. "We are engaged." He said quickly and let go of my hand. I stood up. "Iam going to get the dessert." I said and fled into the kitchen.

My heart was beating super fast and I looked through the kitchen. He said it. He told our parents that we were engaged. That we were soon-to-be-married couple. I felt bad for leaving him alone on the battlefield.

In my panic I grabbed a bottle of Appa's expensive Soju and drank it.Then I took a deep breath and carried the cake into the living room.On my way back I heard Jongin talking to his parents.

"She's a wonderful young woman." Jongin laughed and I knew that he managed to work with his feelings, while I needed Soju on the otherhand. I walked into the living room, smiling, and placed the cake on the table. Our parents looked happy and I looked at Jongin thankfully that he dropped the bomb and not me.

I sat down, when my Eomma and Jongin's Eomma scooped closer. "Show us the ring. Jongin said you're wearing it since two weeks!" My Eomma smiled and I stretched my hand out and both of the Mothers were smiling and giggling like middle school girls."The ring is lovely, Jongin." His mother said and looked at the little diamond.

My Appa nodded towards Jongin approvingly.

They seemed so pleased and I wanted to know so badly what Jongin told them.

After we ate the cake Jongin wanted to talk to me so we left the livingroom and went into my room. He lied down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"That was great." I stated and he sat up. He looked directly into my eyes. "How did they react, when I was gone?" I asked and he shook his shoulders. "My parents weren't that surprised. Eomma said it had to be you. Appa said you're going to be a wonderful,caring wife. Your Eomma was super happy and your Appa was a little bit confused. He asked how that happened and I told them that I still had contact to you after moving to Seoul to become a Trainee and fell in love with you during the contact. I told them we're marrying because we love each other. I couldn't told your Appa the truth. He would've killed me." He said and my mouth fell open. So much about 'no lying towards our parents'. I nodded - speechless.

"At least that's fixed." I said and lead Jongin down the stairs.

After saying our goodbye's we hugged each other and Jongin pecked my cheek."Act." He whispered and I blushed extremely. I gulped after my parents closed the door behind the Kim family. My Eomma hugged me happily and my Appa kissed my forehead. They were happy.

Extremely happy.

Jongin was busy with his work as an Idol so the wedding would be super fast.We would marry in Seoul and it would be a traditionoal Korean wedding. That was the only thing my parents wished for - after all they were the one paying for it.

I traveled every second weekend to Seoul to prepare everything withJongin.

• ••

Itwas only two weeks to the wedding and Jongin promised me that he talked with the company about it. I would be labeled as his girlfriend, since no one ever heard about Kim Jongin's girlfriend and not as his wife.

I already met Jongin's band members since I was spending a lot of time in the dorm. The boys thought our little promise was funny, even though it sounded silly and childish in my ears. I didn't love Jongin  after all.

I climbed out of the train and saw Sehun and his bodyguard waiting forme. "Annyeong, Sehun-ah." I greeted him and bowed. "Where'sJongin-ah?" He laughed. "Come on." He said and we left the train station. "Sehun-ah?" I asked again. "He had to get some changes on his Hanbok." Sehun finally explained and climbed into a white van and drove towards the dorm.

The other EXO members greeted me cheerfully and I watched a movie with them, when the door opened and I heard Jongin's voice. He walked into the living room and couldn't hold back his laugh when he saw me sitting next to Lay who had his head on my shoulder and slept.

Like everytime we watched a movie.

"Tomorrow's your last appointment with the dressmaker." He said and I nodded. As always I was allowed to sleep in Jongin's bed, even if Iwas happily with the giant couch.

I left the house early the next morning and took the subway to meet up with the dressmaker. Today was the last time I would try on my Hanbok. I entered the shop and was greeted formally.

The dressmaker lead me to the back of the shop and helped me putting on the Hanbok. The skirt was dark purple and the top was pink. The dressmaker fixed the light blue bow and I looked at myself in the mirror.

My cheeks turned pink as I looked at myself. I looked like a traditional Korean princess.

While I looked at myself in the mirror I realised that I was marrying in less than two weeks and that made me super nervous.

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