Chapter 6

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Jongin and I were married for three months already. Not a lot had changed since the day we got married but we knew us very well again and Jongin knew, when he had to take shelter because of my temper.

I sighed and put the broom back into the utility room. After every movie night of Jongin and the other EXO guys our house looked like a World War zone. Jongin always said they would clean up afterwards but they never did.

Annoyed I sat down on the couch and sighed. I was happy that Jongin was at a photoshooting today or else I would have strangled him, because of my anger. I took my phone and dialled Yeonhee's number. After two rings she picked up with a loud "Annyeong!"

"Do you want to come over? I'm alone and we could watch some DVDs." I said and hoped Yeonhee was in the mood for a Girl's night. "Sure! I'm just picking some movies and be there in fifteen minutes." I could hear her smile through the phone. "Grand! I am putting the popcorn in the microwave then!" I giggled and hung up.

I just put the bowl of popcorn down, when the doorbell rang and Monggu, Jianggu and Jiangha started barking. I walked to the door and opened it for Yeonhee when the poodles started running back into the living room. Yeonhee laughed watching the wagging tails of the funny looking dogs, before she hugged me.

Due to her exams I wasn't able to see her a lot, which is why I was very happy that she found time to meet me. We walked into the living room and Yeonhee grabbed a DVD out of her bag. "I brought my absolute favourite DVD!" She grinned and pulled out a DVD.

My eyes widened. "Are you serious?" I asked and looked at the EXO EXO'luxion #2 in my friends hands. Yeonhee tilted her head. "Hyuna. That's the best concert DVD I ever watched. You're going to like it!" She grinned and sat down on the couch waiting for me to put the DVD into the DVD player.


I turned the key in the lock and opened  the door. Hyuna was propably sleeping I walked in quietly, when I heard weird noises out of the living room. I turned to Chanyeol who accompanied me home and he looked confused. "I thought you said Hyuna-ah was sleeping." Chanyeol said and I shook my shoulders, taking off my shoes and walking towards the living room. I smiled when I saw Yeonhee on our couch.

"That's not Hyuna." I said seeing my wife fast asleep next to her friend. Chanyeol looked at me before peeking into the living room. "That's one of her friends." I answered Chanyeol's confusion and he nodded, while staring into the living room.

Yeonhee was standing on the couch and squealed like a little girl staring into the TV screen where Chanyeol was standing on his mixer having the party of his life. I saw that Chanyeol grinned when he saw Yeonhee in a Chanyeol sweater. The girl sighed. "Park Chanyeol you are so hot in a suit." She said to the television and Chanyeol and I started laughing.

Yeonhee, of course, heard that and turned around widening her eyes. She almost dropped the empty bowl in her hands. Quietly she climbed off the couch and put the bowl on the coffee table. With widned eyes and without any words she walked past us and out of the house closing the door behind her.

I followed her with my eyes - amused by Yeonhee's behaviour. I shook my head and looked at Hyuna. "I'm carrying Hyuna to bed." I said and Chanyeol nodded. "Would you mind opening the door for Yeonhee? She forgot all her stuff." I said and Chanyeol nodded again, looking at the television where our concert was still going on.

I carefully picked Hyuna up. I looked at her. Her eyes were closed and quiet snores where leaving her mouth. She was looking cute when she was sleeping. No, not cute. Beautiful. Actually, she was always pretty. I carried her upstairs and laid her down in our bed, tucking her into the quilt.

A streak of her hair fell into her face and I giggled. She was unbelievable pretty. I closed the bedroom door and walked downstairs. Chanyeol was sitting on the couch smiling to himself.

"Why are you smiling like that Yeollie hyung?" I asked and sat down next to him. "Hyuna's friend got her stuff like you said." He grinned again. "Poor girl turned red as a tomato when I opened the door." He continued. "Yeonhee is like that. In the beginning she always wanted to call me Kai oppa." I laughed. "I'll never forget the first day she visited us." "She's cute." Chanyeol spoke and I smiled. "That wasn't the last time you're going to see her." I laughed and Chanyeol joined in.

Chanyeol and I talked for a long while before Chanyeol headed back to the dorm. I yawned walking up the stairs and stood infront of the bedroom door before I turned around and walked downstairs. I started to tidy up the living room because I didn't wanted Hyuna to get angry again.

Sometimes it was very hard to make her happy, but I wanted to make her happy.

After I finished tidiying up the mess I climbed in the shower and afterwards into bed. Hyuna was still sleeping and I turned around to look at her. I watched her peaceful face when I suddenly felt her hand on my hip. I gulped and felt myself blush.

She never touched me before. I closed my eyes and felt the sleep wash over me. But before I was completely gone I felt Hyuna nudging her head on my chest. It was so unusal from her because she always kept her distance.

My heart started beating really fast and I looked down on her. "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked quietly. I didn't understand her. I was sad that a girl with her IQ was sitting at home and clean up. How was I going to help her to make her happy when she's always at home. I wanted Hyuna to do something out of herself. I hated the idea of her being our house lady. I wanted her as my wife and I wanted her to be happy.

She just have to understand that she is now Kim Jongin's wife and not his charwoman.

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