Chapter 9

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The rest of the day was quiet. I never thought that Jongin would've been so honest with me. I was preparing myself for accusations. After all I was acting really stupid. After all I wasn't mad at him for touching me. To be honest, I was charmed by his sweetness. And it was me who moved closer to him.

After Jongin left I started thinking. I was moving through the house like a Tiger in the jungle. I complained about him, that he was stupid and stay where he came from - and other mean things I am not ready to repeat. Eventually my feet started hurting and I sat down. My thoughts moving up and down.

I always saw how Jongin rolled his eyes when I gave him his lunchbox at half past five. And I noticed how often he sighed when I was hovering when he came home. His sighs would turn into annoyed groans when I was cleaning the windows while I was supposed to do something with him.

It was like Jongin was invisible to me. I didn't treated him like a wife treats her husband. I didn't even treated him like the friend he was to me years ago. It was me who was wrong and Jongin just tried to make me see it.

I overreacted and now the guilt was eating me from the inside. I was the problem, not Jongin. He wasn't like my Appa who enjoyed it that Eomma cooked for him and treated him like a king. Jongin liked spontaneity and I was uptight.

I never thought about Jongin that much and only now did I realise how young and fragile he actually was. He always seemed to be older than he was for me. I got the feeling that we weren't friends. But I wanted to change this.

But sadly I ruined it. Jongin wouldn't come back.

I went to bed way too late and it felt weird laying in this ginormous bed all by myself knowing that Jongin wouldn't come late at night and would lay in the sheets with me. I wasn't used to sleep alone anymore.

Lastly my guilt got so bad that I started crying. I cried so much, that I fell asleep while doing so.

I couldn't contain the happiness when I found Jongin in the kitchen the next morning. My heart started beating faster than usual and I chewed my bottom lip. I was so happy to see him back in our house. My heart stopped when Jongin told me we had to learn something.

Both of us.

We had to learn to love each other. His words were still haunting my mind. Would I be able to fall in love with Jongin?

"I already put the movie on." Jongin called while I carried two cups into the living room. Jongin was already lounging on the couch and made some space for me with crossing his legs. Jongin had borrowed a movie from Kyungsoo, which he had watched yesterday with his bandmate but he mussed the beginning so he wanted to watch it again.

"I've got the hot chocolate." I said and couldn't stop smiling. I was unbelievable happy that Jongin was back home and I could watch a movie with him. I handed Jongin the cup - with a picture of LINE's mascot Brown and put my LINE Conny cup on the table. Then I sat down next to him.

At the middle of the movie I moved closer to Jongin - my heart beating heavily while doing so - and laid my head on to his shoulder. His body was so warm and I enjoyed the heat that was coming from his body. My long hair was stretched out on his chest and after a while he started playing with it.

He wrapped a strand of hair around his finger and tickled my nose with the strand. I wasn't annoyed by it. I liked it.

"Kyungsoo has a good taste in movies." I said after the credits were rolling on the screen. I noticed Jongin looking at me. The movie was over but none of us moved. Jongin was still playing with my hair and I enjoyed being with him.

• • •

I opened my eyes and saw a dark blue phone case above me. I recognised the phone case at Jongins and saw him staring at the screen of his phone.

I didn't remember falling asleep on Jongin's lap. I moved my hands through my hair and Jongin realised I was awake. He grinned. "Did you have a good nap?" His smile made me look at him blankly. "I had a comfortable pillow." I grinned and he chuckled. "That must be true if you say so." He turned his phone around and I saw a picture of myself sleeping peacefully on my husbands lap.

"That's my revenge for the picture you made of me sleeping." He said and I giggled. Then he stared at the snap shot all happily. "We should start to hang our pictures on the wall." He said and I nodded. "It is indeed very empty here." I smiled.

We ordered Pizza for dinner and ate it on the floor as we were both to lazy to set the table. Jongin just shoved a big piece of pizza in his mouth when his phone rang. He looked at the screen and accepted the call. "Hyung, what's up?" He asked with his mouth full.

It must've been one of his bandmates as he stood up and walked up and down, like I did when I talked to Yeonhee and Seonyee.

"It was Junmyeon Hyung. He wanted to know if we made up already." He said and I nodded. "Was it hard for you to not come home?" I asked and Jongin nodded. "I was sick worried about you. I hadn't slept so bad for ages. I just hoped that you wouldn't cry but it seemed like my hopes didn't work." He scratched his nape. "I couldn't sleep because of the thought that you wouldn't sneak into the bed late at night." I confessed and my cheeks turned red. "You can't sleep in the bed by yourself?" He asked and collected the pizza cartons. I shook my head and felt a strange feeling in my tummy when I thought about Jongin's warmth.

Maybe I would cuddle up to Jongin more often in the future.

Jongin was just under the shower when I got a text message from my mom. Hello Hyuna. We miss you a lot that's why we decided to visito you this weekend. We are excited to hear what you're doing. Kisses, Eomma and Appa. I gulped and read the message another time.

They would visit us. This weekend.

"J-Jongin!" I yelled and he came downstairs with just a towel on his hips. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly but I choked on my words when my view fell on his bare torso. "M-M-My parents will visit us... this weekend." I said and couldn't take my eyes off his chest. Jongin took a deep breath. "I already thought something happened." He sighed. "I'm going to get dressed." He said and dissapeared upstairs while my cheeks turned as red as a tomato.

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