Chapter 12

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"Good Luck! Fighting!" Jongin said and stretched his arms into the air, while shouting. Then he handed me the lunch box - for a change. "Have fun in university! Be diligent!" He grinned and hugged me quick. Whenever he touched me nowadays I would feel a tingling sensation in my stomach. I quickly let go and waved him before running towards Yeonhee who was waiting on the corner of the street for me.

"I can't believe that I can see student Hyuna!" She giggled and held her hand infront of her mouth. She always did that when she laughed. "Did took you some time." She then said and we walked towards the subway. "Yes, you're right." I mumbled and Yeonhee smiled. "You just married and tried out the life as a housewife. Jongin is good for you. I could've never get you to study." She said and I nodded. Jongin was really good to me. He always tried to push me towards studying and that was ages ago.

I was sitting in the classroom for Spoke Sciences and the teacher wrote the schedule for this semester down. I opened my calendar and wrote the dates into to. I wanted to write down the date for the first mock exam when I saw a date in my clandar where two circles were drawn into. Those two simple circles made a smile appear on my face.

It was almost a year since Jongin and I married. Our wedding anniversary was in less than two weeks. While thinking about Jongin I had to smile. I couldn't believe it was almost a year.

After my afternoon lessons I met up with Seonyee in a coffeeshop to drink something with her before going home.

"How were your lessons?" Seonyee asked and took a big sip of her coffee. I nodded. "Yes, they were very interesting. But I wasn't used to so much input." I giggled and stretched my arms in the air. "I'm so happy that I don't have to cook tonight." I said and sat down in the subway. I had to grin at the thought of Jongin in the kitchen. "Jongin and cooking? That might be interesting." Seonyee said. Or he calls Kyungsoo for help, I finished her sentence in my head.

I was tired and hungry when I unlocked the door and smelled the dinner. By this smell I got a bit more awake and walked to the kitchen. He really cooked! On the table was rice, and a saucepan with peppers, onions and mini sausages. "I did my best. But it is not as goof as Kyungsoo's or your cooking." Jongin said after greeting me with a hug. I took something on my plate and started eating. "It's just right." I smiled and sighed happily while eating my dinner.

After the dinner Jongin and I watched a episode of Please Come Back Mister. In the beginning Jongin couldn't understand the Drama but now he couldn't get enough of it.


I was eating my lunch with Minseok hyung and Kyungsoo hyung. I was eating  my rice and was in thougts while the boys talked to each other. It was like always. "What are you thinkin about, Jongin?" Jongdae asked when he came into the room we were having lunch.

"I was just thinking about what to give Hyuna on our wedding anniversary." I said and sighed. Jongdae widened his eyes. "One year and the press still didn't find out anything? There are rumours though." Jongdae said surprised. I shook my shoulders. "I can't believe it either. That's why I want to make something special for her." I said and took a sip of my water.

"You're going to have an idea. I mean you know her since ages!" Kyungsoo said and I nodded. The boys weren't a good help. But I knew a person who knew Hyuna very good and I knew she would help me. "Chanyeol, give me your phone." I said to the boy who was furiously typing away on it. I walked over to him and took his phone out of his hands. "Ya!" He growled and I looked at him. "I have to talk to Yeonhee." He blushed when I said the name of his crush.

I dialled her number and after two rings she picked up. "Yeollie?" She asked with a happy voice and I giggled over her sad sigh when I told her that it wasn't the giant handsome guy she liked. "What do you need Kai- erm Jongin?" She asked and I told her about my situation and that I needed help finding a present for Hyuna.

She said something about a surprise but didn't told me what kind of surprise. The boys helped me with an idea and how to make it come true.

I wanted the surprise to be like Lay's MV for one of the variety shows we shooted. With Post-It notes. I planned everything and Yeonhee promised to help me.

It was the morning of our wedding and I woke up early because I had a dance practice before Hyuna and I could go on our date. I prepared the Post It notes and stuck the first ones  on the hanger with a dress that I had bought for her. Then I setted the table for the breakfast and let the copied plastic ring in Hyuna's size fall into a champagne glass. Yeonhee would serve the breakfast while Hyuna would get ready. I brought Yeonhee my keys and went to work.


My alarm went on and I turned it off. Jongin's side of the bed was cold which gave me time to think what to give Jongin for our wedding day today. I stretched and walked to the warderobe when I saw a single hanger with a white spring dress. The dress had a note on it which said Wear Me. I smiled and put it on. It fitted me perfectly.

Then I washed up and put on some make up. On the mirror was another note which said that I should go downstairs. I grinned and walked downstairs when I saw the ready made table. The food was served and in a glass the champagne was bubbling. "You're crazy, Jongin." I said and smiled and sat down. On my plate was another note: Eat well, and don't choke on the champage.

I furrowed my eyebrows and started eating and took a sip of my champagne when an object came in contact with my lips. I took the glass of my lips and looked inside. I rolled my eyes and took another sip, catching the object with my lips. When I took it off my lips I started laughing.

In my hands was a detailed copy of the plastic ring he had given me years ago. I quickly cleaned the ring and put it on my finger. Then I started tidying up and found a note under my plate saying Come out. I walked to the door and opened it. Infront of it was Jongin cheekily grinning at me. I pressed my lips together and ran into his arms.

We went to drink a coffee together and took a walk in one of the many parks in Seoul. "Happy wedding anniversary." He whispered and I hugged him. "Gomawo." I said and said something neither I or Jongin would've believed I would've said.

"Promising to marry you, was the best idea I've ever had."

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