Chapter 4

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I fell asleep at the though of ourmarriage and slept without dreaming. I slowly opened my eyes andfound myself in the bedroom of my new house. Instead of light yellow walls, I was confronted with white walls without any decoration. Nopictures, no paintings. I guessed Jongin's parents wanted us to decorate the walls.

I rubbed my eyes and cuddled more into the white and fluffy quilt. Everything in this room was white. I sighed and rolled over to the right side of the bed and almost jumped when I saw Jongin sleeping peacefully next to me.

I never saw him sleeping. His mouth was slightly agape and his eyes were closed, while his chest moved up and down with his breathing.

I smiled and grabbed my phone to take a picture of my sleeping husband. I giggled and looked at the picture that was now on my phone. Would a real newly wed couple act like that?, I asked myself and dropped the thought, when Jongin pulled the quilt off his head and looked into my eyes.

He seemed surprised that I was this close to him and smiled. „How'd you sleep?" He asked and I was surprised how husky his voice sounded in the morning. He moved his hands through his messy hair. „G-Good?" I answered and hid my face in my pillow. I felt ashamed by my appearance. I wasn't wearing make-up and my hair was messy. Jongin looked flawless even if he just woke up and had messy hair.

„You don't have to hide yourself."He said and smiled. Suddenly he started laughing and his loud laugh filled the room. „You almost took away my quilt." I mumbled andJongin laughed even louder. „That sounds like me." He smiled and sat up, before moving his hands through his hair, again. He stretched himself and looked at me. I was still hiding in my quilt and my pillows.

„Breakfast?" He asked and my tummy answered with a loud growl. „I guess that's a yes." Jongin laughed and we slipped out of the bed. I put on my black cardigan and followed Jongin in the kitchen.

I washed the rice before putting it in the rice cooker. While the rice was cooking I prepared the vegetablesand the tea. „I didn't knew you could cook!" Jongin said andsmiled, when he walked into the kitchen. „Eomma prepared me  for beeing a wife." I answered and handed him a cup of tea. We ate together and I did the cleaning, while Jongin was in the shower.

My life as a wife wasn't so bad for now. But I couldn't say anything proper yet, because I was married for barely twenty-four hours.

Jongin came back and was dressed and his hair was dry. „I have to go now. We have dance practice." He said and I nodded. „Have fun." I smiled while handing him his lunch. He laughed. „I will. I'll bring Monggu, Jianggu and Jjiangha home tonight." He smiled when I accompanied him to the door. „Okay, I can't wait to meet them." I smiled and waved him, until he closed the door infront of my face.

While I was showering I was listeining to AOA's Heart Attack and afterwards I wrote Sun Hi and Yeonhee a message so they could show me Seoul. They were studying here after all and I had no orientation in Seoul at all.

We met at a place called Gwanghwamunand Yeonhee came running towards me as soon as she laid her eyes on me. „Hyuna!" She squeaked, even if we had seen eachother yesterday. „Where's Sun Hi?" I asked and Yeonhee sighed. „She still has one lesson." Yeonhee said and I rolled my eyes. Sun Hiwas always learning.

„How was yesterday?" Yeonhee asked and cocked her eyebrows. „What do you mean? We made a tour through our house and went to bed." I answered and Yeonhee looked at me.„Of course." She looked at me. „We're just friends!" I said alittle bit too loud and put my left hand on my mouth. Yeonhee  smiled when she saw the ring. „Yeah, just friends. Why are you his legal wife then?" She chuckled. „Jongin is so hot though, Hyuna!"

I rolled my eyes. „Show me Seoul now." I demanded and Yeonhee laughed and started showing me my new home town.

My inner tourist awoke and we took a picture with the statue of Yi Sun Sin and the statue of King Sejong.After our tour to the nothern palast we went to the K-Star Road. The figures of the Idols were so cute and cool. Yeonhee took a picture ofme with my favourite groups. I made a picture next to EXOs figure,where I made a heart with my hands and sended the selca to Jongin. He answered with a smiley-emoticon.

Sun Hi arrived when we were having lunch. She almost knocked down the waiter and bowed as an apology.After that she sat down at our table and said a quick sorry, because she was late. We ate our lunch and then we went for a shopping trip in Gangnam.

I opened the door from my house tired and head Jongin talking to someone. Maybe he was on the phone or something. But when I entered the living room I saw three little poodles and next to them Jongin was petting them and talking to them.I smiled at the view.

„Hyuna-ah, is a very good girl. You have to always keep an eye on her." He told the dogs and I blushed.I coughed and Jongin winced before turning around. I bit my lip. „How was your day?" He asked and came towards me. He took the grocerybags off me and smiled.

„Good." I answered and followedJongin into the kitchen.

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