Chapter 7

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The first thing I heard when I woke up was Jongin's quiet heartbeat next to me. I guess I moved over to him while I was sleeping. I had no idea how I ended up in my bed as I remember me falling asleep on the couch next to Yeonhee who was shouting at the television praising Chen and Chanyeol.

It was a little uncomfortable being so close to Jongin. My arm even rested on his hip and his rested on mine. I bit the inside of my bottom lip. Jongin had always behaved and had kept his hands to himself. I gulped and carefully took his arm off me. I didn't really care if he would wake up or not.

Sadly he groaned when I dropped his arm on the mattress of the bed. "Morning." he said with a raspy voice and I knew his mood wasn't the best. I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the bed after greeting him quietly. I entered the bathroom quietly and heard him groaning when he got up and walked past the bathroom with heavy steps.

Half an hour later I walked into the kitchen where Jongin was sitting and eating his granola while looking at his phone. I walked past him and started making my own breakfast. After filling my bowl with cornflakes I sat down opposite of him and looked at him.

"What are you doing today?" He asked all of a sudden - after catching me staring at him. I blinked two times. "I wanted to clean the house and go grocery shopping." I answered like atrue wife. He scoffed. "Cleaning the house is boring. Our house is always clean except those few doghairs." He looked at me over the edge of his bowl.

He drove me mad with that topic. Jongin wasn't my favourite person at the moment. He was always offended by what I was doing. Even if he wasn't home that much. After eating my breakfast I put the bowl down on the kitchen counter - with a bang. Jongin winced. "Aish! Keep the dishes together!", Jongin scoffed and looked in my eyes. I rolled my eyes - annoyed - and rushed out of the kitchen.

I didn't undertsood his problem. I didn't wanted to study. My Eomma taught me to take care of the house and his dogs but he hated if I did that. When he was oh-so in love with studying why didn't he study himself?

I was standing infront of my closet - only wearing bra and knickers - when the bedroom door opened and Jongin came in. "Ya!" I shouted. "Get out!" I yelled throwing a sneaker towards his head. "Never heard of knicking?!" I shouted; the shoe hitting his houlder. "Goodness, calm down Hyuna!" Jongin answered annoyed and grabbed his clothes without looking at me. "What an attitude." I heard Jongin saying in the hallway.


Hyuna behaved like a pre-teen for the whole morning. First she woke me up, then she threw a shoe at me. She was going completely crazy.

I stood under the shower and let the warm water rinse through my hair. I was feeling sad, annoyed, angry and dissapointed at the same time because of mine and Hyuna's fights. Every single day went by where we would fight. We couldn't even eat together without starting World War Three.

I stepped out of the shower and put on my clothes. I put the leashes on my dogs and left the house meeting Junmyeon in the park.

"You look stressed." Junmyeon said petting Monggu. "Hyuna." I sighed and he nodded. "Are you two still fighting?" He asked and I nodded. "It seems like everything I do is wrong. I never bought so many apology flowers and the embarassing thing the workers in the flower shop know what flowers I usually buy. She is so stubborn." I said and shook my head. "That bad?" My Hyung asked and I nodded. "She's always at home and cleans. She is acting more like a cleaner than a wife!" I said annoyed. I was sorry to rant infront of my Junmyeon. He nods and gave Jianggha a dog biscuit. "She's so stubborn and says that a wife take care of house and children, in our case the dogs." I felt so annoyed and angry.

"Aigoo. I am really sorry. I think you fight because she doesn't realise that you're only saying these things because you like her?" Junmyeon's statement sounded like a question and the question made me think.

Did I already liked Hyuna that much?

I breathed out. I was phisically attracted. I also liked it when she was hiding under the quilt in the morning - not ready to get up in the morning and being shy to show me her bare face. I thought it was absolutely adorable when she gave Monggu a bathe - for the first time in her whole life - and was wetter than the toy poodle afterwards. She had a beautiful smile and a impressive humour.

I also liked it how I could fall asleep next to the quiet snore that came out of her mouth.

I bit my lip. "Let her calm down tonight. Tomorrow everything look better. I swear." My Hyung said and patted my shoulder. "Okay, I am going to wirte her a message that I won't come home tonight." I explained writing a message telling Hyuna I am going to sleep in the Dorm tonight.

When Junmyeon and I arrived at the Dorm we heard Lay playing his guitar - as always a sad melody. I took my shoes off and let the dogs enter the Dorm. I could hear Baekhyun squeal when the dogs ran into the living room. I followed my dogs and saw Baekhyun on the floor showering my dogs with kisses.

Chanyeol was sitting on the couch staring at his phone. He had a smile on his face. "Trouble in paradise?" Kyungsoo asked when I sat down next to him. Kyungsoo paused the movie he was watching and took some of his Nachos out of his bowl. "I have no idea." I answered truthfully. I looked towards Chanyeol whose grin grew wider.

"What are you doing Chanyeol?" I asked and looked over his shoulder. He tried to hide his screen but I was faster and took a glimpse of the screen. "What are you doing on Yeonhee's Instagram?" I asked confused while Chanyeol kept scrolling through her endless selcas. "Nothing." He said with red ears. Suddenly his phone vibrated and he quickly looked at it. "Did she post a new selca?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Private message." He giggled and I rolled my eyes. He was extremly happy about a private message. He thought she was cute after all.

I didn't wanted to disturb Yeollie hyung anymore so I concentrated on the movie Kyungsoo was watching and clearing my mind from all of mine and Hyunas fights.

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