Chapter 14

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I looked at Jongin. He stared directly at my eyes and I felt my cheeks turning red. My thoughts were stumbling through my mind and I tried to find an answer to get out of this situation. I looked into Jongin's eyes again. I had the feeling he was uncomfortable and I was very glad when his phone started ringing. "I-I should pick that up." He mumbled and lifted me up and sat me down on the couch. He left the living room with his phone on his ear and I cupped my hot cheeks.

After a while Jongin came back. His face told me what was wrong. He tried to sigh quietly, but it was louder than expected. "You have to go." I said and he nodded. "I would love to stay, but I have to work." He said and sounded defeated. "Are you coming for dinner?" I asked and Jongin shook his head. "Think it'll be late. Keep some of the chicken for me." He grinned and I brought him to the door. He waved like always and then the door closed in my face.

"What's wrong with you, Hyuna?" I asked myself and walked up and down. I began cleaning the kitchen. I was frustrated. I had a little premonition what was wrong with me but I didn't wanted to see it. Sometimes I hated myself for my stubbornness. After I cleaned teh kitchen and prepared the dinner I took my phone and called Yeonhee and Seonyee.

They both picked up and I asked them to come over. I hated it to be alone and Yeonhee brought her beloved EXO DVD so we could watch it again. I promised her not to fall asleep this time.

And this time I managed to stay awake and saw Jongin on the stage for the first time.

"Hyuna, since the film started you haven't said a single word." Seonyee said suddenly. I was so concentrated on Jongin that I completely forgot that my two friends were here. "Mianhe." I said and looked at my friend. "It's okay." Seonyee said and Yeonhee leaned forward and asked in a Jongdae-volume "Did Kai hit you in the face with his awesomeness?" She asked and I had to grin. "Well, I am not so sure." I answered honestly and Yeonhee moved closer. "What happened?" She asked when her eyes trailed over to the television where a close up of Chanyeol was.

"What happened'?" Seonyee asked and I gulped. I told them from the situation earlier and that his presence made me go completely crazy. They both squealed and I gulped. "What should I do?" I asked. Yeonhee tilted her head and Seonyee did the same. "Tell him. Or better, show him." They said and I gulped again. "Okay?" I said but let it sound like a question.

After getting this off my shoulders we continued watching the concert and I was honestly excited. After we ate dinner together my two friends went home and I was alone again.

I already hated being alone. I was used to it, but I didn't like it. I couldn't sleep alone, couldn't eat and couldn't think properly. I missed Jongin. He came home late most of the nights and I was always asleep. And when he was asleep I was awake.

I promised myself to eat a proper dinner with Jongin one day and go to bed at the same time. I sat down on the couch and started to watch a Drama Jongin and I started recently: Cheese in the Trap.


I looked at my watch. It was after midnight. I quietly unlocked the door and walked into the house. I was awaiting my chicken and my bed and of course, my wife. I went into the kitchen and saw that Hyuna had set the table for me and the dinner was in the oven. I quickly ate something and went towards the bedroom when I saw Hyuna in the living room.

The dogs were laying on her legs and her lap and Hyuna snored quietly on the couch, while the telly was still one. "Stop waiting for me, Pabo." I said and shooed the dogs quietly off her before lifting her up and carried her to bed. Halfway there Hyuna opened her eyes and looked upwards.

"Jongin-ah." She yawned and I grinned. "Ne, Hyuna-ah?" I asked and stopped walking to look at her. She smiled shyly. "I think I forgot something this afternoon." She said and stretched herself up. "What did you forget?" I asked confused and set her on her feet. Her face was only mere centimeters away from mine.

"Something important." She giggled and I felt her breath on my lips. I gulped. There it was again, the thought of needing to kiss her. I held back. Hyuna laughed. "I'm always slower than other people." She breathed out.

Then she did something I've never thought she'd ever do.

She pressed her lips on mine. Careful and soft. A warm feeling went through my whole body and made me feel as like as a feather. Finally! I wanted to deepen the kiss, when Hyuna let go of me. She looked at me shyly. "Mianhe, I didn't meant to attack you or something like that." She said and I grinned and lifting her up again. "I was waiting for this." I said and carried her up to our bedroom.

I sat Hyuna on the bed and she took her pyjama. Her cheeks were slightly tinted but it seemed like she enjoyed the kiss. I cuddled up to her after changing into my pyjama. "You let me wait." I pouted and started to play with her hair. "I sometimes need longer." She said and I leaned forward to kiss her forehead. "Sleep well, Jagiya."

"No one ever called me Jagiya." She mimbled before cuddling up to me and pecked my jaw. She closed her eyes and I bit my bottom lip in excitement.

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