At The Moment ( Book 1 )

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Hi Y'all . This Not A Chapter Just A Basic Intro & Run Through On The Ropes . Note Ima Say This ONCE & ONE Time Only . You Have Been Warned ..... This Is My FIRST Book . There Will Be Mistakes/Errors , Im H U M A N .. I'll Get Better Over Time . This Along With My Future Books Will Be Filled With Strong

Language , Sexual Content , Violence & All That Good . You Dont Like ? Don't Read Nor Comment Simple Ass That . Take It Upon Yourself To Try Me . No Threat But Call It How You See It . I Dont Confine In "Internet Beef" . Never Condone Myself In That Foolishness . Stretch That To The "T" Though . ...... This Is A Story I Made Up Literally At 4:00 Am August 3rd 2013 ! Just Came To My Head & My Fingers Doing Their Thing ! I Ain't One Of Those Type Authors To Set Goals For Votes , Comments & All That . Ion Got Time For That . Just Show Love & Let Me Know What You Think , Your Updates Will Be Very Frequent I Can Assure You . Now That's Cleared Up Enjoyyyy ! Oh Yeah MY Stuff Is Copyright Do NOT Copy MY Stuff Thank You .

My Nigga , My Nerve ( Book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now