Chapter 1

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** Would like to give a shout out to @KMelion for the awesome book cover. Thanks, Girl! **


He sat, unnoticed on the bench, watching the people as they rushed by. He was there waiting, waiting to do his job. In his hand was a notebook of names. 

Before I get too far into the story, let me introduce to you, Tim Foust. A demon from Hell. Or should I say, a rejected demon from Hell? When Tim was alive, he was a sinful man. He cursed, smoked, drank, cheated on his wife and has even been known to take a few small things without asking. Sadly, he was killed in a car wreck due to drunk driving. 

Because of his sinful life, he was sent to Hell. Since they were only minor sins and nothing major. He was rejected from the fire pits of Hell. But he was a sinful man so Satan had to find a job for him. So he sent Tim back among the mortals. With him he carried a book of names. Names of sinners that were to die by different causes. His job was simple, just pull the soul from the body so the demons of Hell can come get them. Simple right? We'll see.

Tim felt someone sat down on the bench beside him. He glanced around at the man then back to the passing crowd. After all, he was a demon and no one could see him.

"Hello." A voice spoke beside him. Tim looked back at the person who had sat down. His eyes made contact with the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. He couldn't have been talking to him. Demons can't be seen.

Tim looked around him to see who blue eyes could have been talking too, but saw no one near. He looked back at the smiling man.

"Are you talking to me?" Tim asked.

"Mhmm, who else would I be talking to?" Blue eyes asked.

"What's your name?" The demon ask, pulling his notebook out of his jacket pocket.

"Adam. Adam Rupp." He said with a smile.

Tim flipped through the list of names but saw no Adam Rupp listed.

"How can you see me if your not on my list?" Tim asked with a puzzled look.

"And what list is that?" Adam asked, interested in the strange man.

"The list of death." Tim answered.

"Maybe because I'm already dead." Adam shrugged.

So now, let me introduce you to Adam Rupp. An Angel. Or should I say, a rejected Angel? Adam was a good man. He never curse, smoked, drink or do drugs. He was a very happily married man. He believed in treating people the way you want to be treated. Sadly, he was shot and killed during a robbery at the bank he work at.

Because he was a good man, he was sent to Heaven. But was stopped by St. Peter before entering the Pearly Gates. Even though he was a good man, he hardly ever prayed or go to church like he should have. But because of his goodness, he was given a job and sent back down to walk among the mortals. He was to give the gift of life. He was given a book of names of women that all he had to do was touch them and they would become pregnant by their mate. Sounds simple right? We'll see.

"So what are you doing?" Adam asked out of curiosity.

"I'm waiting on a guy name Eric Hinson to die." Tim said, lighting a cigarette.

"Ugh, that sounds horrible." Adam said, waving away the cigarette smoke. "You know smoking is bad for you, right?"

"You do know you're talking to a dead guy." Tim said raising a eye brow.

Oh yea, I forgot." Adam chuckled. "So how do you know which one is this Hinson guy?"

"I don't. But this is the place he's suppose to die at." Tim said.

"OH MY GOD!!" Someone screamed pointing up.

Tim and Adam looked up to see a young girl on a ledge of a high-rise apartment. Without any warning, she jumped.

"GERONIMO!!" She yelled as she flapped her arms as if she were trying to fly.

"That's not Eric Hinson. That's a girl." Tim said standing up watching the girl still flapping her arms.

"OH GOD!!" Adam yelled covering his head.

"Oh well, maybe the boss will still be happy. Even if it is a girl." Tim smiled to himself.

But his smile faded as the girl landed on a store canopy, bouncing about three times before falling to the sidewalk.

Adam heard the thud and looked up to see the girl lying on the sidewalk.

"OH MY GOD!!!" He screamed.

"Well, this sucks."Tim said scratching his head looking at the girl. "A girl." He shakes his head.

"SHE'S DEAD!! I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE JUST JUMPED AND SHE'S DEAD!!" Adam screamed hysterically.

Tim stooped down beside the girl, laying a hand on her chest. He cursed under his breath as he stood up and walked over to Adam.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! I can't believe this!" Adam said hugging himself, rocking back and forth.

"Oh relax." Tim said sitting down with a huff, lighting another cigarette.

"Relax?? A girl just committed suicide right in front of us. And you say relax?" Adam said looking at the demon with a shocked expression.

"She ain't dead. She just knock her fool self out." Tim said slumping his shoulders.



(((( TIDAM ))))

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