Chapter 21

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Avi left with a promise to Kirstie and Tim that he would give it some deep thought.

Chance told Adam that if they needed him just pray and he would get the message. The angels soon left after Tim thanked each one for saving him from Hell.

"Well, that was excit..." Tim was stopped by Adam crashing his lips onto the demon's, kissing him passionately.

Tim moans into the kiss as Adam walks him backward, pushing him down onto the bed.

"O.K.?" Tim says as he stares up at the angel.

"If you only knew how much I've missed you." Adam says as he crawls on top of Tim, attacking his neck with kisses and bites.

"Oh, I think I'm getting a pretty good idea." Tim groans, closing his eyes.

"I was so worried about you." Adam says softly between the kisses.

"Me too." Tim smiles.

Adam pushes Tim's arms up above his head, holding them down by the wrists.

"You told Avi that sex with an angel blew your mind." Adam smirks. "Well, get prepared to have your mind blown again, Demon boy."

In no time at all, their clothes were in a pile by the bed. And Tim was squirming underneath Adam's gentle touches.

Adam lightly brushes his lips across the demon's, toying with him.

"You're teasing again." Tim moans.

"I enjoy watching you squirm." Adam whispers against his lips.

"And you call me the demon." Tim chuckles softly.

Adam bites his bottom lip as he slowly runs his fingertips down Tim's body causing Tim to whimper softly.

Adam runs a finger around Tim's entrance.

Tim spreads his legs as an unspoken invite for his lover to make his entrance.

Adam turns loose of Tim's wrists and runs a hand in behind his neck, raising him up. Adam leans in crashing his lips onto Tim's as he pushes his finger into his entrance.

Tim groans into the kiss allowing Adam the opportunity to slide his tongue inside the demon's mouth. He then enters the second finger.

Adam breaks the kiss and begins to nibble on Tim's ear.

"Does that feel good?" He whispers as he pumps his fingers in and out.

Tim could only nod as he bites his bottom lip.

Adam removes his fingers and crawls on top of the demon, grinding hard against his erection.

Tim screams out clutching the sheets beneath him.

Adam knew that neither would be able to hold off much longer so he aligns himself and quickly pushes in.

"Holy sh*t!" Tim groans as he thrust his hips up to meet the angels. "Ram me, Baby!"

Adam grits his teeth as he begins to ram into the demon as hard as he could. Tim thrust his hips up hard each time meeting Adam.

"AHHH!" Tim screams throwing his head back and arching his back as he reaches his climax. Shooting off all over his stomach.

Adam grunts as he slams into Tim as he too releases.

"You're a mess." Adam chuckles as he looks down at his lover.

"It's all your fault." Tim smiles.

"Yep." Adam says proudly as he pulls out of Tim and gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom to get a towel.

"I just wonder what the next people to rent this room will think." Tim chuckles as he wipes off his stomach. "The bed will be all messed up and the towel will have cum on it."

"If they knew that there was a demon and an angel staying here they wouldn't rent this room anyway." Adam smiles as his eyes roam over Tim's body.

"Uh, that was pretty awesome. You definitely blow my mind every time we make love." Tim smiles as he raises up and takes Adam by the hand. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Adam says as he kisses his lover softly.

"Uh, pardon me." A voice startles the two lovers.

"What the hell, Rob. Don't you know how to knock?" Tim laughs as he grabs for his clothes.

"I had to come find you guys." Rob says averting his eyes while the two got dressed.

"Why? I have nothing to do with Satan anymore. He kicked me out, remember?" Tim says.

"It's about Avriel. Tim, Lucifer has been torturing him for the past two days, non-stop. He can't take anymore." Rob says.

"Oh, crap. I knew this would happen." Tim says, running a hand through his hair. "He detected the angel didn't he."

"He must have cause he is furious with Avi." Rob says.

Tim nods and turns to Adam. "We need help."

"I'll see what I can do." Adam says, rubbing Tim on the arm.

He turns around and kneels down by the bed.

Tim steps back to give Adam privacy. He glances over to where Rob had been standing but he was no longer there.

Tim stood quietly thinking about his friend and the pain that is being inflicted on him. He knew there was nothing he could do without the angels' help.

"Well." Adam says as he stands up. "I hope they get my message."

"Why in the hell did he go back." Tim sighs as he sits down on the bed. "He knew this would happen."

"Maybe he thought he could prove himself trustworthy." Adam says taking a seat beside Tim.

"No chance of that happening." Tim says as Adam takes him by the hand. "So what now? We just wait?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Adam nods.


Screams of agony and demonic laughter rings through the cooridors of Hell.

Satan sits on his throne with a huge smirk on his face as he stares at the pathetic demon curled up on the floor.

Unimaginable pain sears through Avi's body. His screams of pain were drowned out by Lucifer laughing uncontrollably.

Satan's laughter was cut short by the doors of his throne room swinging open.

He growls as he sees the demon Tim walk in.

"Hello there, Lucy." Tim smirks. "Bet you thought you'd never see me again, Huh?"

"YOU!!" Satan hisses and points to the door. "GET OUT!! YOU HAVE THE MARK OF THE CROSS ON YOUR FOREHEAD!!!"

"For real?" Tim chuckles as he rubs his forehead.

Tim sighs as he looks down at his friend laying crumpled on the floor. His heart breaking.

"So, I thought you'd be happy to see me, I mean, it has been awhile." Tim grins.

Lucifer snarls as he walks slowly down the stairs of his throne. "I despise you, you pathetic being."

"Well. If you're not happy to see me then you definitely won't like seeing these guys." Tim smirks as he turns toward the door.

A blinding light floods the throne room, making even Satan himself shield his red eyes.

As the light dims, Satan sees before him, four angels.



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