The Boy I Never Noticed

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Jace's POV-

My breath caught in my throat as the back of my hand brushed against his. It was such an innocent contact and I had such a heart stopping reaction...literally my heart seemed to momentarily forget how to beat. Upon contact, a strange sensation shot through my arm and soon it spread along my right side and it went straight to my chest. From the tingling sensation, it soon turned into the flames of a hot fire and then a pain that shot straight to my chest. Only the pain in my chest was twice as worse.

At first I thought I was having a heart attack out of nowhere but the pain quickly subsided as my gaze met Sky's.

It's strange how I never noticed him. I've heard his name in passing but I never really paid attention to him and I never noticed we had any classes together until this moment. In that moment that we touched and that strange sensation set out through my body, I knew his name and the image of his face was imprinted in my mind.

How? I have no just was. We pulled apart and I quickly scrambled to the front of the classroom while the back of my hand where he touched was still burning like there's a dancing flame next to it.

"Ms. Dubois, may I go to the bathroom?" I asked anxious to get the hell out of there. It wasn't the strange sensation that flowed through me it was the thoughts and feelings that flowed that was scaring me. I felt attraction to him and I shouldn't feel that.

I'm straight and I have a girlfriend. For crying out loud, my girlfriend's the most popular and hottest girl in the school. Yet here I am, feeling physical and sexual attraction to another male; and not just anyone, to someone I held no acknowledgment of. He wasn't popular or anything. He was just there.

"Ask me in French first Mr. Conner." God this bitch! I made the fatal mistake of glancing at Sky and the intense desire in his eyes nearly made me shit myself. There was something dangerous and mysterious in them. I unconsciously gulped and a whimper that was barely audible escaped as his eyes burned into me.

"Puis-je s'il vous plaît aller à la salle de bain?" I replied speaking my original question in the foreign language.

"Oui." She replied giving me curt nod. I thanked her magnanimously as I made my way over to the door desperate to get out but my stupid self just had to look back. I didn't want to but it was like my body had a mind of its own. Again, he looked at me his blue eyes piercing and twice as intense with desire.

Fuck no! The hair on the back of my neck rose as he stared me down and I felt myself becoming aroused. Hell to the no! Was I actually enjoying the way he's looking at me? For crying out loud, he's a guy. I'm a guy. This should not be happening. Another whimper escaped and when he smirked, I all but walked out of the classroom and straight to the boys' bathroom.

Taking deep breaths, I frantically finger combed my hair shaking my right hand. The spot was still burning. I blew cool air across it but that seemed to ignite it even more so I went over to the tap. Turning it on, I put my hand under the water and held it there until I felt the burning sensation ease.

My mind raced as I tried to come to terms with what had happened. How was it possible? I'm as straight as a fucking pole and all it took was one innocent contact to make me question my sexuality. I couldn't be attracted to Sky Daniels.

The pacing came to a stop as my eyes widened and I looked at myself in the mirror. I am attracted to him. I've never noticed him before much less knew his last name and now I knew that and the image of his face is seared into my brain.

My heart was pounding in my chest and I feared it might just burst out and run away from me. What the hell is happening to me?

You know what; maybe I just need to get laid. Yeah, maybe that's what all this shit is about and it's been awhile since Sasha and I fucked. We just need to have sex and I wouldn't be feeling or thinking these things.

Taking a deep breath, I splashed some water on my face and dried it off then headed back to class. I ignored the fact that his gaze was burning into my skin and walked over to sit next to Sasha.


Sasha and I walked to the cafeteria hand in hand as she carried on about a cheerleading routine she and her squad came up with. I just simply nodded not really paying attention to anything in particular. I always zoned out when she started talking about cheerleading mostly because I never understood half of it.

I waited until she'd finished her sentence to then ask her the question that was on my mind since this morning. "Do you want to come over to my place after school?" I asked giving her a seductive smirk to which she returned.

"Only because you asked so nicely." She replied with a wide smile. She then proceeded to flick my nose and giggle. This is one of the reasons why I love her. She's not your everyday attention seeking cheerleader. "Come on, I want to get a hamburger before they eat it all out." she said suddenly pulling me along. That's another thing, she was never bothered by what she ate because she's very athletic and she works out a lot.

I chuckled and let her pull me along as I collided with someone. I was ready to throw a punch but that thought quickly disappeared as the familiar sensation I felt from earlier returned shooting tingles all over my body. I stiffened momentarily as our eyes met and I saw the bastard wearing a smirk.

Curling my lip in the revulsion I felt, I ignored the tingling bumping shoulders with him and pulling Sasha along. I turned to look at her to see her giving me a quizzical look with an arched brow. I simply shook my head and placed a kiss on her lips.

Turning back, I noticed Sky was still staring but not at me. He was glaring at Sasha.

Sky's POV-

A wave of jealousy swept over me as I watched Jace kiss that bitch Sasha as they continued walking to the cafeteria and I turned my gaze, anger blazing through me as I burned a hole into her head with my eyes.

Sasha wasn't the bitchy type but she had something of mine and that immediately makes her an enemy. If I have to kill her to get Jace then so be it. It's what werewolves did when they felt another challenging them for his or her mate. They killed.

"Bro?" Carter called nudging my elbow with his as he exchanged a confused expression with Dale.

"I'm not hungry." I replied sternly and turned in the opposite direction to head to the library. I knew that if I went in there, I'd see that slut with her hands all over my mate and I may just lose it. My wolf was agitated enough and seeing them together was provocative enough to make my wolf emerge and claim Jace.

No need to reveal the existence of werewolves to the world. Humans just weren't ready for that.

"Really? You're not hungry because I can hear your stomach grumbling." Dale pointed out motioning a hand to my belly. Passing them both an irritated look, I pushed my way through the crowd heading into the cafeteria and started up the steps to the library. Carter and Dale followed and I could sense their confusion and worry.

We walked into the library and since it was empty except for the few overly studious students or the outsiders then I should say that were in here. I made my way to the bookshelves and sat down on the forest green carpeted floor between the science fiction shelves. The future alpha and beta soon joined sitting in the row. I sat with back to the wall; Carter sat with his back to the shelf on my left and Dale the one on my right. They both looked at me expectantly.

After what seemed like minutes of silence with them staring at me, I let out a defeated sigh. "I found my mate today in French. Jace Conner is my mate."

"Okay...that's a great joke." Carter said laughing as Dale nodded in agreement with him. "You can barely tolerate the idiot so this has to be a joke."

"It's not a joke guys. That idiot is my mate." I replied sternly pinning them each with a death glare. Sure, I couldn't stand the guy but he was my mate and I'm stuck with him.

"Ouch! Them fates cruel." Dale said wincing in sympathetic pain for me. I shrugged but agreed.

To be quite honest, I'd probably faster kill Jace than ever love him. He's the embodiment of egotistical douche bag. Jace isn't what I wanted in a mate. I wanted someone purely submissive who would never disobey me. Jace would never do that.

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