Chapter 8

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Bill Darsen’s enthusiastic team was on the hunt for a young man, in the age bracket of late teens to early twenties. Paul was again preparing a new outfit, and not for the purpose of partying. He had already picked up a few items from second hand shops, black shoes, a light grey hooded long sleeve shirt, and dark tracksuit pants. There were still more items needed for the attire to be complete, so he searched through the contacts in his phone until Veena came up, he was going to take her shopping.

The plan was to go to the markets with Veena, and along the way purchase a few item’s one can find easily at a market. Markets were more tolerable then shopping centres, and it would be under the guise of being a normal guy, in a relationship.  Paul opened his wardrobe; everything was folded perfectly, and in perfect order.

This has got to change, every other normal young person has clothes strewn all over the place. He messed up a few items of clothing, and even put some of the shirts when the pants go.

The normalness was leading a tiring rebellion against his meticulous ways, and it was a must in order to protect him from the cruel world of laws, and morals. Paul couldn’t get his head around right, or wrong, with things such as sex plaguing the mind.

Two people doing it? Why is it such a sacred thing? People break up, and form connections over it because it brings about some unknown emotions. I don’t feel anything after it not satisfied, and not unsatisfied.  But it’s a normal part of a relationship. Or a fight, how can it be so bad hitting someone if I enjoy it? There are people who actually do enjoy being hurt.

Unfortunately being amongst the other humans at his ripe age, meant social networking, in particular Facebook. Whenever he was with his sister, she would have to ‘check him in’ letting the whole world know where he was up to. He had to sit tediously through reading peoples status updates about their lives.

Like I need to know if someone just did all their housework…wow exciting they just changed my life. I want to put their photo in my sanctuary when I come across such monstrosities. 

Veena, and Paul slowly walked hand in hand along the beachfront markets. There was fire twirling, buskers, and hundreds of stalls selling their goods, Paul had already picked up item number one on his list, a fake tattoo. Veena was sipping on a lime milk shake, she wasn’t one for senseless spending, and skipped the most of the market stalls. This only made it harder to get item number two, Paul froze in shock at the sight of a familiar face. 

No way.

Bill Darsen was walking alongside two of his subordinates, the young woman Paul recognized immediately as detective Fash, and her partner, they were eating hot dogs, laughing, and talking.

Bill fucking Darsen… you are here enjoying yourself? You are supposed to be trying to catch me, and here you are, laughing, eating junk food. That is just disappointing…unless, you already know who I am, and you are celebrating. Or maybe this is a stakeout. 

“Veena, lets go now, I’m tired.”

“What? We haven’t even made it to the other end yet. Oh hey look it’s that guy Bill Darsen,” She tugged Paul’s shirt in excitement.

“Yes,” Paul watched curiously, as Bill, Fash, and the other unknown man walked happily around.

Maybe I will stay, and find out where you are residing in our city.

“Okay, lets stay.”

“You sure?”


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