Bonus Chapter.

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A/N: Thank you all for following Paul this part kind of shifts views setting up a character who is going to feature in my upcoming story Dirty Money! He will also have his own short story. 

Yeral burst into the room, after having overridden the security system outside the secret room. The African bodyguard scanned the scene; Alvin was looming over the young man he knew as Paul who looked dazed on a chair. He looked at Alvin and then at then at Paul again, it was brief but Yeral was certain he saw the mayor tuck something behind his back, a knife maybe.

 Simultaneously drawing both his revolvers Yeral aimed them at the new mayor.

 “Yeral, what in the lords name are you doing?” the shocked mayor asked.

 “Sir, I didn’t want to believe it, but Bill Darsen was right. You’re the serial killer the city is searching for.”

Alvin grimaced,  “What brings you to that conclusion?”

 “Bill Darsen made sure I was selected to protect you and keep an eye on you… at first I had no idea why, but the pay bump was nice. And then, he informed me about a girl name Candy directly linked to this,” Yeral kept both guns fixed on Alvin.

 “And?” Alvin sat up on the desk he wasn’t scared.

 “Then, the first victim the backpacker was a religious freak, just like you.”

 “Merely a coincidence,” Alvin chuckled, “And that is enough for you to barge in with your weapons pointed at your mayor?”

 “Then Fash comes to see you, and surprise, she disappears, followed by Leira when you were in the city for the funeral,” Yeral’s jaw was clenched as sweat trickled down his forehead.  

 “I suggest you lower your weapons Yeral,” Alvin nodded at something behind Yeral.

 Rio, Yeral’s partner was standing there his gun fixed on Yeral, “Drop them Yeral.”

 “What the fuck Rio?”

 “I said drop them fucker!”

 Yeral didn’t lower his weapons, instead he crossed his arms over fixing a gun on each man, “Rio, take a look around, why the fuck do you think that kid is out of it?”

 Rio looked at Paul, who was now looking back and forth between Alvin and the bodyguards in a trance. 


 “I don’t fucking know, but that’s the mayor your fucking aiming at incase you didn’t notice now fucking drop them you head case!”

“Rio are you an idiot?” Yeral nodded at the pastor and Paul, more sweat was pouring down his face.

“We will be executed for this shit, drop your weapons!”

“You better listen to your partner,” Alvin smiled.

“Eat shit.” 

“Yeral, I know you are suffering a mental break down, we only wish to help you,” Alvin spoke innocently. 

“Breakdown? Fuck you, you are the crazy one,” the large African man glanced quickly at Rio, who had taken a sneaky step closer, “Rio call Bill Darsen…he’ll explain this shit man.”

“Give me your phone then,” Rio kept his gun fixed on his partner.

“What so I can lose full control over my weapons? Nice try, use your own,” Yeral’s focus was again on Alvin.

Alvin looked worried for the first time, as Rio took his phone out of his pocket ever so carefully while he maintained his steady aim.

“What did you do to that kid Alvin?” Yeral nodded at Paul.

There’s a lot of emphasizing of you’ and yours’ Paul stirred.

 “Do to him? I was helping him. The boy came in like this.”

 “Like hell rewind your security footage,” Yeral pointed a gun at the television screen showing them all on camera, but kept the other maintained on his partner.

 “Okay, just don’t shoot me please?” Alvin treaded over to the television and pressed a blue button on the side, the screen went black, “Oh, wrong one, it all just got wiped, my apologies.”

 “Mother fucker.”

 “Bill it is Rio. Call me back as soon as possible it is pretty fucking urgent,” Rio put his phone back in his pocket.

 “Now we play the waiting game,” Alvin felt back in control. 

 “Fuck that,” yeral stepped forward.

Within an instant Alvin was reaching behind his back; Yeral knew that the mayor carried a gun for protection. The African man was too quick and accurate of a marksman; he fired both guns. Alvin dropped to the floor and Rio’s gun went flying out of his hand as the bullet went through. Rio cried in agony as blood poured from his wound caused by Yeral.

 “You prick!”

 “It was either that or kill you,” Yeral put his guns back in their holsters, “shit the kid!”

 Alvin’s only shot had nicked Paul’s shoulder leaving a trail of blood.

"Stuff the kid! My hand is worse than that graze he has." 

Continue on to Yeral's Short Story!

A/N: Yeral is going to have his own short story, hopefully in the near future. This is merely a small bonus chapter let me know what you think. Paul is now finished for now maybe read...Temptress or The Captain's Orders until You Wish is complete :) 

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